Count Difference for Every 15 Min

  • Hi, 

    When I run the query using mulitple joins on Fact table and Dimension Table, 

    my Output would look like

    Execution :1
    When I run the Query at 15:24
    Identifier        Count         Time
     A                  10              CurrentTimestamp (Getdate), i.e... 15:24
      B                  15              15:24

    Later when I run the same query after 15 Min the output would be 
    When I run the query at 15:39
    Identifier        Count       Time
    A                     16            15:39
    B                       17            15:39

    Later when I run the query after 15 Min the output would be 
    When I run the query at 15:54
    Identifier        Count       Time
    A                     21           15:54
    B                     30           15:54

    I am trying to achieve as follows which is  what is the increment count for each time stamp.

    Indicator    Count     Time 
    A                10          15:24  ---- Initial Count
    B                 15         15:24       
    A                 6           15:39    ---- After 15 Min Execution ( 16 - 10)
    B                 2           15:39    --- (17-15)
    A                 5           15:54     ---- After 15 Min Execution (21-16)
    B                 13          15:54     ---- i.e.(30-17 )          

    I will appreciate you time and skills.

    Many Thanks in Advance.

  • Sangeeth878787 - Wednesday, February 8, 2017 8:37 AM


    When I run the query using mulitple joins on Fact table and Dimension Table, 

    my Output would look like

    Execution :1
    When I run the Query at 15:24
    Identifier        Count         Time
     A                  10              CurrentTimestamp (Getdate), i.e... 15:24
      B                  15              15:24

    Later when I run the same query after 15 Min the output would be 
    When I run the query at 15:39
    Identifier        Count       Time
    A                     16            15:39
    B                       17            15:39

    Later when I run the query after 15 Min the output would be 
    When I run the query at 15:54
    Identifier        Count       Time
    A                     21           15:54
    B                     30           15:54

    I am trying to achieve as follows which is  what is the increment count for each time stamp.

    Indicator    Count     Time 
    A                10          15:24  ---- Initial Count
    B                 15         15:24       
    A                 6           15:39    ---- After 15 Min Execution ( 16 - 10)
    B                 2           15:39    --- (17-15)
    A                 5           15:54     ---- After 15 Min Execution (21-16)
    B                 13          15:54     ---- i.e.(30-17 )          

    I will appreciate you time and skills.

    Many Thanks in Advance.

    You know the drill: please give us DDL, sample data (as INSERT statements) and desired results.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Well you need to specify a time frame if you only want the last 15 minutes.


    WHERE myDate >= DATEADD(mi,-15,GETDATE())

    However, depending on your requirements that may not necessarily be your best solution.  For example if you only wanted totals since the last time you checked I might log the most recent transaction by some unique identifier as a watermark for the next time the query runs.  Please add some code and details and we'll be able to help you more.

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Hi, 

    The sample script would be like and we do have primary keys and foreign keys on Fact Table.

    select 'US' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
    from FctTranscations F
    Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    where l.Locaton = 'US'
    and M.Method = 'Direct'

    Union All

    select 'US' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
    from FctTranscations F
    Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    where l.Locaton = 'UK'
    and M.Method = 'InDirect'

    Union All

    select 'Canada' As CountryIndicator, sum(MoneyReceived) MoneyReceived, getdate() DateTime
    from FctTranscations F
    Inner join DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
    Inner Join DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
    inner join DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
    Inner join DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
    where l.Locaton = 'Canada'
    and M.Method like '%Online'

    Output of above script:

    CountryIndicator     MoneyReceived     DateTime       
    US                             15000                    15:00
    UK                             10000                    15:00
    Canada                       8000                     15:00

    The query when I run at 15:15

    CountryIndicator     MoneyReceived     DateTime       
    US                             25000                    15:15
    UK                             20000                    15:15
    Canada                       9500                     15:15

    The query when I run at 15:30

    CountryIndicator     MoneyReceived     DateTime       
    US                             30000                    15:30
    UK                             26000                    15:30
    Canada                       10000                     15:30

    The Required output 

    CountryIndicator    MoneyReceived   DateTime
    US                             15000                    15:00    Initial Money
    UK                             10000                    15:00    Initial money
    Canada                       8000                     15:00    
    Initial money
    US                             10000                    15:15     First Run Time stamp , Difference between Initial Money and next run.
    UK                             10000                    15:15
    Canada                        1500                    15:15
    US                              5000                     15:30
    UK                              6000                     15:30
    Canada                        500                      15:30

  • Still no DDL, so I've had to guess your field names, and untested as no DLM, but maybe:
      SELECT l.Locaton AS CountryIndicator,
        MoneyReceived AS MoneyReceived,
        CAST(D.DateValue AS datetime) + CAST(T.TimeValue AS datetime) AS TransactionDateTime
      FROM FctTranscations F
      INNER JOIN DimDate D on D.DateKey = F.DateKey
      INNER JOIN DimLocaton l on l.locationkey = f.locationkey
      INNER JOIN DimTime T on T.TimeKey = F.TimeKey
      INNER JOIN DimMethod M on M.MethodKey = F.MethodKey
      WHERE (l.Locaton = 'US' AND M.Method = 'Direct')
       OR (l.Locaton = 'UK' AND M.Method = 'InDirect')
       OR (l.Locaton = 'Canada' AND M.Method LIKE '%Online'))
    SELECT CountryIndicator,
       SUM(MoneyReceived) AS MoneyReceived,
       DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) - (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) % 5),0) AS TransactionDateTime
    GROUP BY CountryIndicator,
       DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) - (DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '2000', TransactionDateTime) % 5),0);


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Duplicate of topic Please direct further answers there.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Y.B. - Wednesday, February 8, 2017 8:56 AM

    Well you need to specify a time frame if you only want the last 15 minutes.


    WHERE myDate >= DATEADD(mi,-15,GETDATE())

    However, depending on your requirements that may not necessarily be your best solution.  For example if you only wanted totals since the last time you checked I might log the most recent transaction by some unique identifier as a watermark for the next time the query runs.  Please add some code and details and we'll be able to help you more.

    Hi Y.B,

    Your answer provided am good hint to my problem but  If I want to achieve in where condition like  this  Eg: WHERE max(myDate)  >= DATEADD(mi,-15,max(myDate)
    But to use above condition, I have got an error to use group by and Having clause But I don't want to use group by condition in my query as I am trying to achieve only count and current time stamp when the query is executed. Could you help me with this.


    Select count(Id),getdate()
    from Table
    where mydate  between  DATEADD(mi,-15,max(myDate) and max(mydate)

    Many Thanks

  • Sangeeth878787 - Thursday, February 9, 2017 9:06 AM

    Y.B. - Wednesday, February 8, 2017 8:56 AM

    Well you need to specify a time frame if you only want the last 15 minutes.


    WHERE myDate >= DATEADD(mi,-15,GETDATE())

    However, depending on your requirements that may not necessarily be your best solution.  For example if you only wanted totals since the last time you checked I might log the most recent transaction by some unique identifier as a watermark for the next time the query runs.  Please add some code and details and we'll be able to help you more.

    Hi Y.B,

    Your answer provided am good hint to my problem but  If I want to achieve in where condition like  this  Eg: WHERE max(myDate)  >= DATEADD(mi,-15,max(myDate)
    But to use above condition, I have got an error to use group by and Having clause But I don't want to use group by condition in my query as I am trying to achieve only count and current time stamp when the query is executed. Could you help me with this.


    Select count(Id),getdate()
    from Table
    where mydate  between  DATEADD(mi,-15,max(myDate) and max(mydate)

    Many Thanks

    Here you go (link).

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin - Thursday, February 9, 2017 9:11 AM

    Here you go (link).

    I think this battle is lost, Phil. But I shall salute your resolution to "fight" on!


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • HI Thom, Phil,

    Sorry I was on holiday from Friday, I just came back to today morning, I have just checked how to post the data. I am glad pointing me in correct direction to post the question. 

    Thank you

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