Query optimization - Select Into .. Alter Table ADD CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY ([ID] ASC)

  • I need help to Query optimization. Query is part of StoredProcedure which executes for more than one hour.
    I need to optimize the query in such a way the action is done faster.
    StoredProcedure does the below action. 1. Drop Table 2. Create Table with data from various joins using "Into Table" 3.
    The below query is part of my stored procedure.. i have not pasted the full of the query which have more left joins and columns for each respective join table..

    If Object_Id ('CAPRIS_Application_DB.DWH.DimProjectHeader') is not null
    Drop table [dwh].[DimProjectHeader]

    SELECT  skm.[SID],
         ,COALESCE(ph.[TrainingType], '') as [TrainingType]
         ,COALESCE(CASE WHEN ph.salesstagesince > 0 then
                 CONVERT(varchar(10),CONVERT (datetime,convert(char(8),ph.salesstagesince)) , 104)
                 CAST(ph.salesstagesince as char(1))-- '0'
            END ,'') as SalesStageSince
    INTO [dwh].[DimProjectHeader]

    FROM [cdw].[DimProjectHeaderSKMap] SKM
    left join [cdw].[DimProjectHeader] PH on skm.sid = ph.sid 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [cdw].[RefOEMText] om ON om.OEM=ph.[OEMLevel1]
    AND om.textID =304
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [cdw].[RefDomainValueText] rfp ON rfp.LowerValue=ph.[ReasonforProductProzessUpgrade]
        and rfp.Domain= 'ZADTEL00004Z'
        and rfp.LanguageKey='E'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT SalesProjectHeaderGUID,SalesProjectHeaderNumber FROM cdw.DimProjectHeader) refph
        ON ph.ReferenceNumber = refph.SalesProjectHeaderNumber

    ALTER TABLE [dwh].[DimProjectHeader]

  • Duplicate of topic, where discussion already taking place: https://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/1892957/Query-optimization-Select-Into-Alter-Table-ADD-CONSTRAINT-PRIMARY-KEY-ID-ASC

    Also, your prior topic is in the SQL 2005 forum, and this in in the 2012 forum. If you aren't using 2005, I would suggest posting in your original topic and letting users know that you are on a different version to the forum you posted in. 2005 and 2012 are very different in available functionalities.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Tuesday, August 22, 2017 4:31 AM

    Duplicate of topic, where discussion already taking place: https://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/1892957/Query-optimization-Select-Into-Alter-Table-ADD-CONSTRAINT-PRIMARY-KEY-ID-ASC

    Also, your prior topic is in the SQL 2005 forum, and this in in the 2012 forum. If you aren't using 2005, I would suggest posting in your original topic and letting users know that you are on a different version to the forum you posted in. 2005 and 2012 are very different in available functionalities.

    ok thanks. i will do the same

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