Upgrading to SQL 2016 - Failures in SSRS

  • Good day,
    We've upgraded our SQL 2014 instance to a SQL 2016 enterprise edition (SP1,Cu1).
    All of our reports still work, but now some of our applications doesn't want to display our reports anymore. (The reports are embedded in the applications using IFrames).

    We're getting this error:
    This content cannot be displayed in a frame.
    To Help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.

    Is there maybe a setting in SSRS that I can change to allow this?
    Else we will have to change all the applications/Iframes to accomodate for this.

    Thanks in advance

  • Wandrag - Monday, March 6, 2017 3:00 AM

    Good day,
    We've upgraded our SQL 2014 instance to a SQL 2016 enterprise edition (SP1,Cu1).
    All of our reports still work, but now some of our applications doesn't want to display our reports anymore. (The reports are embedded in the applications using IFrames).

    We're getting this error:
    This content cannot be displayed in a frame.
    To Help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.

    Is there maybe a setting in SSRS that I can change to allow this?
    Else we will have to change all the applications/Iframes to accomodate for this.

    Thanks in advance

    I think that's likely an issue with embedding in the iFrames, not something SSRS can control.
    It could be the code or the browser you are using or security settings on the browser. Search on the error message to find some possible ways to address the issue. 


  • Thanks - but it worked with SSRS 2014. Something was changed within SSRS 2016 preventing the report to be displayed within the existing IFrames in ASP.

    I've searched, and can't find any solutions on this.

  • Wandrag - Monday, March 6, 2017 7:53 AM

    Thanks - but it worked with SSRS 2014. Something was changed within SSRS 2016 preventing the report to be displayed within the existing IFrames in ASP.

    I've searched, and can't find any solutions on this.

    And as you already said, the reports themselves work. It some of the applications that are having the issues. I just searched on the error and found several hundred different hits and a lot of different suggestions. Check the link below:
    Google Search


  • Thanks - but for all of the results it's to change the code within the application.
    Which I can't do.
    I'm hoping for a security setting within SSRS config that will allow SSRS reports to be displayed within the IFrame.

  • Wandrag - Monday, March 6, 2017 8:13 AM

    Thanks - but for all of the results it's to change the code within the application.
    Which I can't do.
    I'm hoping for a security setting within SSRS config that will allow SSRS reports to be displayed within the IFrame.

    The rendering engine changed and is essentially more "standard". Embedding reports with iFrames was improved in that rs:Embed=true can be added a query parameter to the end of the URL. You insert the address into an HTML iframe. None of those difference would be controlled through SSRS settings. You could go though the changes in SSRS but I would guess you may end up at the same point - check the last two links in this doc:
    Backward Compatibility | Reporting Services


  • Hi,
    Hoping that someone else had this issue in the meantime, and know of a work-around....

    Like I've mentioned before - we haven't changed anything within the application...
    Only upgraded to SQL 2016.

    We've now changed the application code to below - but still have the same issue...

    <iframe id='tmsSQLReports' style='WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100%;position:absolute;' name='tmsSQLReports' marginWidth='0' marginHeight='0'src='http://srv00000000:81/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2fA%2fT+Mnt+Rts&ViewMode=List/?rs:embed=true' frameBorder='0'></iframe>

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