upgrading sql 2012 to sql 2014 on 2 node active/passive cluster best practices

  • Question is it best practice to let new upgraded node run in PROD for couple days then once there are no errors we can upgrade the other node and failover to it? Or is it better to upgrade both nodes and then let PROD users back on? Appreciate the help.

  • JP10 (8/3/2016)

    Question is it best practice to let new upgraded node run in PROD for couple days then once there are no errors we can upgrade the other node and failover to it? Or is it better to upgrade both nodes and then let PROD users back on? Appreciate the help.

    Business rules should dictate that the upgrade has already been proofed in a dev and\or test environment. The upgrade to Prod should be high confidence and mitigated as fully as possible.

    So, upgrade both nodes


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Problem is in dev, test and staging these are stand alone servers and in PROD they are clustered does that make a difference?

  • JP10 (8/3/2016)

    Problem is in dev, test and staging these are stand alone servers and in PROD they are clustered does that make a difference?

    Not from a testing standpoint. a stand alone server will let you know the upgrade differences and what will be needed to fix any issues,if any, moving to 2014. Once you are completely confidant of what is needed to upgrade to 2014 then your upgrade path in production should basically be determined by your downtime/SLA's.

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