How to get columns which has null's

  • Hi Experts,

    Need some tsql help.

    I wanted all the column names from all below 3 tables which has nulls. i.e. The if the column has a NULL value in table1 and table 2 and table 3, display that column in the output.  From below sample data i need to get output as "c1" and "c2" because these are the 2 columns which has NULL values across all 3 tables.  How can can we do that?

    'app1' as apptype,
     NULL as c1,
     Null as c2,
     1 as c3,
     2 as c4
     into #t1

    'app2' as apptype,
     NULL as c1,
     Null as c2,
     1 as c3,
     2 as c4
     into #t2

    'app3' as apptype,
     NULL as c1,
     Null as c2,
     1 as c3,
     2 as c4
     into #t3

     select * from #t1
     select * from #t2
     select * from #t3

     Thanks in advance.


  • Since your 3 tables have the same layout couldn't you union them together into one table then check that one table's columns for NULL?

    If you are working with real tables not temp ones you may be able to use the sys.columns and sys.tables to look at each column.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Try this and please let me know if that makes sense..

        WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC2Null)+SUM(a.ISC3Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c2,c3,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC2Null)+SUM(a.ISC3Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c2,c3'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC2Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c2,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC3Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c3,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC2Null)+SUM(a.ISC3Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c2,c3,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC2Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c2'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC3Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c3'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC2Null)+SUM(a.ISC3Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c2,c3'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC2Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c2,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC3Null)+SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c3,c4'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC1Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c1'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC2Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c2'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC3Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c3'
             WHEN (SUM(a.ISC4Null)) %3 = 0 THEN 'c4'
       END AS NullCols
      SELECT *,
         WHEN c1 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC1Null,
         WHEN c2 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC2Null,
         WHEN c3 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC3Null,
         WHEN c4 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC4Null
      FROM #t1
      SELECT *,
         WHEN c1 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC1Null,
         WHEN c2 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC2Null,
         WHEN c3 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC3Null,
         WHEN c4 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC4Null
      FROM #t2
      SELECT *,
         WHEN c1 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC1Null,
         WHEN c2 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC2Null,
         WHEN c3 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC3Null,
         WHEN c4 IS NULL THEN
        END AS ISC4Null
      FROM #t3
    ) AS a;

    First solve the problem then write the code !

  • To the OP:

    is this meant to be a dynamic statement, or are you tables really of this format? Are all your tables named "t#" and your columns named "c#"? I assume, that we can't really UNION ALL your tables to combine.

    I could be wrong, but if so, then I would recommend moving to have columns and tables with meaningful names. Having to look up what column c24 in table t12, then column c9 in table t9, then c3 in t2 would be a logistical nightmare.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

     [Result] = REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE('Columns containing NULL in all three tables: '  
      + CASE WHEN SUM(c1) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c1, ' ELSE '' END
      + CASE WHEN SUM(c2) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c2, ' ELSE '' END
      + CASE WHEN SUM(c3) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c3, ' ELSE '' END
      + CASE WHEN SUM(c4) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c4, ' ELSE '' END),1,2,'')) + '.'
    FROM (
     SELECT [RowCount] = COUNT(*), c1 = COUNT(c1), c2 = COUNT(c2), c3 = COUNT(c3), c4 = COUNT(c4) from #t1
     SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2), COUNT(c3), COUNT(c4) from #t2
     SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2), COUNT(c3), COUNT(c4) from #t2
    ) d

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • Thanks a lot CTEGuy & Chris.

    @thom-2 - this is just an example. I wanted to implement this for any tables which has same number of columns and datatypes. Yes. Kind of dynamic. But in the first place, I want to know the approach of achieving this.

  • Hi Mike/CTEGuy,

    Assuming  the temp tables as  permanent  tables (i.e. t1, t2 , t3 ), how can we make the script as dynamic. I want to reuse the code for any n-number of tables with same number of columns and datatypes ? Here in this case, I have 3 tables, but in reality I can have 5-6 tables and can have 150 columns. In that case, how can we re-write the tsql and make more dynamic ?

  • Just a heads-up on this... this type of query can cause statistics to be constructed on every column it touches.  That could cause some pretty good delays for INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs if auto stats updates kick in.  It may also make your DBA hate you because the extra per-column statistics need to be dealt with during statistics updates during maintenance periods.

    Since it's a bit difficult to determine which statistics are actually being used for the normal course of daily queries (unless you also happen to have a system that uses Trace Flag 8666 to figure it all out, and that's not a trivial task), you need to determine if the columns have statistics on them BEFORE running the null-finder code and, if not, have code that will drop the statistics that are created for this evolution.  Either that, or do it like Chris did in his code which, I believe, will avoid the creation of statics on each column because there are no WHERE clauses (or joins) in his code.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • I modified your data and tried to use ChrisM's code.  I added a value to C2 in #T3, Chris's code still says C2 is NULL on all 3 tables.  I then took his code and modified it to say if the count is zero, then it is NULL on all tables.

    'app1' as apptype,
    NULL as c1,
    Null as c2,
    1 as c3,
    2 as c4
    into #t1

    'app2' as apptype,
    NULL as c1,
    Null as c2,
    1 as c3,
    2 as c4
    into #t2

    'app3' as apptype,
    NULL as c1,
    0 as c2,
    1 as c3,
    2 as c4
    into #t3

    -- ChrisM@Work code
    [Result] = REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE('Columns containing NULL in all three tables: '
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c1) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c1, ' ELSE '' END
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c2) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c2, ' ELSE '' END
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c3) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c3, ' ELSE '' END
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c4) < SUM([RowCount]) THEN 'c4, ' ELSE '' END),1,2,'')) + '.'
    FROM (
    SELECT [RowCount] = COUNT(*), c1 = COUNT(c1), c2 = COUNT(c2), c3 = COUNT(c3), c4 = COUNT(c4) from #t1
    SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2), COUNT(c3), COUNT(c4) from #t2
    SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2), COUNT(c3), COUNT(c4) from #t3
    ) d

    -- revised code
    [Result] = REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE('Columns containing NULL in all three tables: '
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c1) = 0 THEN 'c1, ' ELSE '' END
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c2) = 0 THEN 'c2, ' ELSE '' END
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c3) = 0 THEN 'c3, ' ELSE '' END
    + CASE WHEN SUM(c4) = 0 THEN 'c4, ' ELSE '' END),1,2,'')) + '.'
    FROM (
    SELECT [RowCount] = COUNT(*), c1 = COUNT(c1), c2 = COUNT(c2), c3 = COUNT(c3), c4 = COUNT(c4) from #t1
    SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2), COUNT(c3), COUNT(c4) from #t2
    SELECT COUNT(*), COUNT(c1), COUNT(c2), COUNT(c3), COUNT(c4) from #t3
    ) d

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Thanks below86 for the correction. Can we make this dynamic script ? Should be able to pass on any number of tables but number of columns will be the same. if that is the case, how to make the above script as dynamic??

  • vsamantha35 - Wednesday, October 18, 2017 12:14 PM

    Thanks below86 for the correction. Can we make this dynamic script ? Should be able to pass on any number of tables but number of columns will be the same. if that is the case, how to make the above script as dynamic??

    I think you could if you used the sys.columns and sys.tables tables.  I don't have the time right now to figure out what that would look like.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • This code will get you close.  Maybe you or someone else can start with this to figure out how to be able to set it up to handle multiple tables.  Or maybe someone can come up with a better solution.

    DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR(100);

    SET @tablename = 'table name here';

    SELECT table_name, column_name
    INTO #temp
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_name = @tablename


    SET @SQL = 'SELECT [Result] = REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(''Columns containing NULL in all tables: '''

    SELECT ' + CASE WHEN SUM(' + column_name + ') = 0 THEN ''' + column_name + ', '' ELSE '''' END'
    FROM #temp
    for xml path (''))

    SET @SQL = RTRIM(@SQL) + '),1,2,''''))';

    SET @SQL = RTRIM(@SQL) + ' FROM ( ';

    -- LOOPHERE; -- loop back to here for each table

    SET @SQL = RTRIM(@SQL) + (    
    'SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCounts, '+
      select ', ' + 'COUNT(' + t2.column_name + ') as ' + t2.column_name + CHAR(10)
      from #temp AS t2
      where t2.table_name = t.table_name
      for xml path (''))
    ,1,2,'')+' from ' + t.table_name
    from #temp AS t
    group by t.table_name)

    -- Add UNION ALL to @SQL  -- SET @SQL = RTRIM(@SQL) + ' UNION ALL '

    -- Go to LOOPHERE if there are more tables

    SET @SQL = RTRIM(@SQL) + ') AS d';

    -- you will want to execute the SQL in the @SQL variable

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Thanks a lot a below86 for taking time. Will try it on my own and see how it works.  Many thanks.

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