TSQL help

  • Hi SQLExperts,

    Need some TSQL help.

    Need an stored procedure which returns  rows based on parameters. Stored procedure will have 3 parameters

    @BUList - comma separated values  BU1,BU2
    @Customerids - comma separated values 101,102,103
    @Country_state_city - (Country:city1,city2 ; Country:city3,city4,city5)
                           example : US:Washington,Chicago,Los Angeles;Australia:Sydney
            Format: semi colon is delimiter between countries. and to differentiate between country and cities , ":" is the delimter and cities are comma "," separated.

    Now, for example when I run the stored procedure, based on above data it should return 3 rows and the dynamic query should look like below

    SELECT loginid FROM [dbo].Customer
    WHERE [BusinessUnit] IN ('BU1','BU2')
    AND Customerid IN (101,102,103)
    AND Country IN ('US','Australia')
    AND City IN ('Washington','Chicago','Los Angeles','Sydney')

    -- 3 rows should be returned

    Table with dummy data

    create table Customer
    (CustomerID int identity(101,1) not null primary key,
     Cname varchar(100),
     loginid varchar(20),
     BusinessUnit varchar(100),
     Country varchar(100),
     State varchar(100),
     City varchar(100)

     insert into Customer (cname,loginid,businessunit,country,state,City)
     select 'Adam','l-adam','BU1','US','New Jersey','Washington'
     union all
     select 'Andrea','l-andy','BU2','US','California','Chicago'
      union all
     select 'Smith','l-Smith','BU2','US','Texas','Los Angeles'
     union all
     select 'Kaira','l-kra','BU3','Australia','Victoria','Sydney'
      union all
     select 'Krishna','l-krish','BU3','Australia','Tasmania','Melbourne'



  • Sam

    You could use dynamic SQL for this, but unless you're very careful, you'd be vulnerable to SQL injection.  Instead, I recommend that you use a splitter function to split the strings into their component elements and CROSS APPLY to that.


  • Hi Sam

    Use DelimitedSplit8K to split the parameters out into rows in #temp tables, then join to those temp tables. Your query will also need OPTION(RECOMPILE) because of the wide range of inputs.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • vsamantha35 - Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:05 AM

    Hi SQLExperts,

    Need some TSQL help.

    Need an stored procedure which returns  rows based on parameters. Stored procedure will have 3 parameters

    @BUList - comma separated values  BU1,BU2
    @Customerids - comma separated values 101,102,103
    @Country_state_city - (Country:city1,city2 ; Country:city3,city4,city5)
                           example : US:Washington,Chicago,Los Angeles;Australia:Sydney
            Format: semi colon is delimiter between countries. and to differentiate between country and cities , ":" is the delimter and cities are comma "," separated.

    Now, for example when I run the stored procedure, based on above data it should return 3 rows and the dynamic query should look like below

    SELECT loginid FROM [dbo].Customer
    WHERE [BusinessUnit] IN ('BU1','BU2')
    AND Customerid IN (101,102,103)
    AND Country IN ('US','Australia')
    AND City IN ('Washington','Chicago','Los Angeles','Sydney')

    -- 3 rows should be returned

    Table with dummy data

    create table Customer
    (CustomerID int identity(101,1) not null primary key,
     Cname varchar(100),
     loginid varchar(20),
     BusinessUnit varchar(100),
     Country varchar(100),
     State varchar(100),
     City varchar(100)

     insert into Customer (cname,loginid,businessunit,country,state,City)
     select 'Adam','l-adam','BU1','US','New Jersey','Washington'
     union all
     select 'Andrea','l-andy','BU2','US','California','Chicago'
      union all
     select 'Smith','l-Smith','BU2','US','Texas','Los Angeles'
     union all
     select 'Kaira','l-kra','BU3','Australia','Victoria','Sydney'
      union all
     select 'Krishna','l-krish','BU3','Australia','Tasmania','Melbourne'



    Just an fyi, but you don't have a state value as input in your list of values for the @Country_state_city parameter.   As the US has the city of Springfield in MA, OH, and MO, at the very least, and possibly a number of other states, you probably need to cover that situation with your query, or risk getting mis-matches.   Advice has already been provided about the use of Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K function, and I would CROSS APPLY as needed to handle each parameter value (you'll need it twice to handle the @Country_state_city parameter, and possibly a 3rd time if you integrate a state value - and I'd probably leave that to a separate parameter, as thing get tricky when you try to combine 3 values into one parameter - but the more I think about it, you might need to create special handling if the STATE values are going to have to match a specific set of country and city combinations, so that will be "fun"...).   In any case, you have your work cut out for you.   Post back if you get stuck...

  • What is going to be executing this stored procedure?  It first glance I thought you might have these lists generated by a multi-select parameter from SSRS, but judging by the @Country_state_city parameter, I have to assume that is not the case. 
    I’d recommend using table variables (if the process calling this stored procedure allows it) and passing the values in through table variables.  Or you can use JSON and you can have your customer ID and whatever you need in there and query it almost like a table:


    SET @JSON = N'[
            "City": "Los Angeles",
            "State": "CA"
            "City": "New York",
            "State": "NY"
            "City": "Chicago",
            "State": "IL"

    WITH (
        City VARCHAR(100) '$.Address.City',
        State CHAR(2) '$.Address.State'

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