ParallelPeriod dynamic set very odd behaviour

  • Within an SSAS cube I administer, there are many Time dimensions with named sets. One of which returns previous week current year. Below example of set being used.







    [Finance Date].[Year-Week].[Week],


    StrToMember('[Finance Date].[Year-Week].[" + Cstr(datepart("yyyy",now())) + " Week " + Cstr(datepart("ww",now())) + "]')





    FROM [cube];

    Very simple. This should return Week 43 from the dimension.

    When I run this on a SQL Server 2012 instance it correctly returns Week43.

    I have restored the same SSAS cube to a 2016 Server, still pointing to the same datasource of the SQL Server 2012, and it's returning Week 42.

    I have tried a Full re-processing of the measures and dimensions but this hasn't helped.

    I have checked the system clock on the server.

    Any suggestions??

  • The weeknumber is determined different around the world, mostly depending on what is considered as first day of the week. Check the LOCALE settings of both environments.


    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thanks for the reply. Looking at it, it's the only logical explanation that the datepart(ww... is returning the incorrect number.

    I have checked the regional settings on the windows server and they are identical to the older server.

    The DATEPART(wk, getdate()) when run on the SQL instance returns correctly 44.

    Running a similar datepart("ww", NOW()) on the SSAS database returns 43.

    Even if the start of week was Sunday or Monday, it still should return 44.

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