Performance issue with xquery

  • Hi All,

    While investigating for performance issue in one of the query ,i found maximum execution cost (more than 90%) is going for calculating the logic for a derived column as

    shown below:

    Logic: NumberOfDeleiveries = t.ParcelsXML.value('count(/Deliverables/Deleiveries[State=1])', 'int'),

    Its basically reading throught the xml and getting the no of occurances of tag '<State>' having value as 1.

    Execution plan also attached:

    Here is the sample xml used for:

















    <EventDates>18 Jan 2012</EventDates>

    <EventDatesXML><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

    <EventDates xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">























    <EventDates>22 Feb 2012</EventDates>

    <EventDatesXML><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

    <EventDates xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">









    Is there any alternative/better way to handle this. Please let me know



  • Send some more details like the Table definition (structure, indexes, constratints...), the query you use and the execution plan, so that someone could do a better view on your problem.

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • In my very small scale tests, it appears that using the XML count function is much slower than using the SQL count function. Try the following:

    NumberOfDeleiveries = ( SELECT COUNT(c.query) FROM t.ParcelsXML.nodes('/Deliverables/Deleiveries[State=1]') T(c) ),


    PS You've misspelled deliveries.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Im getting the below error when trying to use above code

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 47

    The multi-part identifier "c.query" could not be bound.

    Am i missing something over here.

    Here is my code below

    declare @test-2 xml

    set @test-2 = '<Deliverables>
















    <EventDates>18 Jan 2012</EventDates>

    <EventDatesXML> <EventDates>




















    <EventDates>22 Feb 2012</EventDates>

    <EventDatesXML> <EventDates>






    SELECT COUNT(c.query) FROM @test.nodes('/Deliverables/Deleiveries[State=1]') T(c)

    Let me know if there is modification required

  • Hi Igor,

    Here is the execution plan for the query that is having performance issue (Attached).

    There are lot of tables used in that so not possible to send all the details of each and every table.

    Let me know if there is any work around for getting the count of child node in xml.



  • One option is to try to replace the Table Valued Function, as drew.allen proposes.

    Do you have xml and xml path indexes on the table(s) that is used in TVF? Try it, maybe you'll get a better execution.

    Is the execution fast enough? Why does it mind if the query cost relative to the batch is eating all the execution time? If it's fast enough then you're fine.

    However, if you don't have xml indexes, putting some will improve your query.

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Hi Igor,

    One quick query, how do i add index on xml column and on which node using sql server 2005. If you take the above xml for instance.



  • Hi,

    I modified the query to use SQL count function instead of xml count as suggested by drew .With this change i got 25~30 percent improvement in comparison to existing code.

    I didn't go with xml indexes there are few cases where this particular column gets updated and also inserted (assuming both this operation will now take lot of time to complete).



  • sam 55243 (1/6/2017)


    I modified the query to use SQL count function instead of xml count as suggested by drew .With this change i got 25~30 percent improvement in comparison to existing code.

    I didn't go with xml indexes there are few cases where this particular column gets updated and also inserted (assuming both this operation will now take lot of time to complete).



    Try with the xml indexes, they could improve it much.

    --create Primary XML index


    ON YourTable (YourXMLColumn);

    --create XML index that is using the PXML index


    ON YourTable (YourXMLColumn)


    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

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