Create incrementing group numbers for groups of 500 rows?!

  • Hello,

    We are doing a migration and need to import in batches of 500 rows. The table that we are migrating has 60,000 rows.

    Let's say the schema looks like this. I will keep it simple.

    table name is custData.

    columns custnum varchar(10), prodnum int, productdesc varcharI(50)

    Now I need to query the table.

    select custnum, prodnum, productdesc from custData

    Now, I need to create batches or groups. I want to group the data in rows of 500. In each row, I need to have a row number or line number up to 500. At 500 rows, I need a new batch number and reset the line number to 1.

    I am working toward the resultset.

    Batchnum LineNum Custnum, prodnum, productdesc

    1 1 124 11 table

    1 2 126 12 chair

    up to 500

    1 500 128 13 sofa

    now increment batch and reset line numbers.

    2 1 129 14 shelf

    I actually found the code to reset line numbers in groups of 500.

    select custnum, 1 + ((row_number() over (order by custnum) - 1) % 500) as LineNumber from custdata.

    My challenge is creating incrementin batch numbers for each group of 500 rows. I am pretty sure I can do this with a temp table, a while block and using a counter for an outer loop and a counter for an inner loop.

    I would like to see if I can do this as one query if possible. I've tried dense_rank and ntile but it is not working. Anyone have an idea?

    Thanks so much.


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • I think the batch number would be:

    1 + ((row_number() over (order by custnum) - 1) / 500)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Another option is to use the OFFSET function that introduced in SQL 2012 and was specifically designed for paging.

    DECLARE @page_size INT = 500, @page_num INT = 1

    WHILE @page_num > 0


    SELECT custnum, prodnum, productdesc

    FROM custData

    ORDER BY custnum, prodnum -- the order needs to be deterministic

    OFFSET (@page_num - 1) * @page_size ROWS

    FETCH NEXT @page_size ROWS ONLY

    IF @@ROWCOUNT < @page_size

    SET @page_num = 0


    SET @page_num = @page_num + 1



    Edit: forgot to increment the page number.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • That is so excellent. I figured I was just missing something. it worked as needed. Thanks so much!

    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Thanks Drew. I actually have not seen the offset function. I will review it as well.


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Hi there,

    There's also another method if you need not exacly 500 rows, but 500 rows or less per page.

    You can use the following statement:

    SELECT NTILE(1+(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tablename) / 500) OVER (ORDER BY Order by statement) AS PageNr

    , other columns

    FROM Tablename

    SQL server divides the rows in bundles of 500 or a few less rows each based on the order statement.

    You will get a page number for each row and you will probably use a CTE to generate it.

    After that the Pagenumber can be part of a ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PageNr ORDER BY ...) statement to get rownumbers starting with 1 untill 500 (or a few less) for each page.

    This way a WHILE loop is no longer needed.

    Regards JJ

  • And the resetted row number can be achieved my using modulo.

    SELECT *,

    (ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY SomeColumn) + 499) / 500,

    ISNULL( NULLIF(ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY SomeColumn) % 500, 0), 500)

    FROM dbo.SomeTable

    Luis C.
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  • WebTechie (1/4/2017)


    We are doing a migration and need to import in batches of 500 rows. The table that we are migrating has 60,000 rows.

    Just curious, but are these new columns, batch number and line number, going to be part of the new table after the migration? If they are, then you have been given some good options. If they are not, I am just wondering why you need to move 60K rows in batches. If it were 60 million the argument could be made that this technique is necessary to minimize the log file. But 60K, is, well, nothing! :w00t:

    How to Post to get the most:

  • LinksUp (1/10/2017)

    WebTechie (1/4/2017)


    We are doing a migration and need to import in batches of 500 rows. The table that we are migrating has 60,000 rows.

    Just curious, but are these new columns, batch number and line number, going to be part of the new table after the migration? If they are, then you have been given some good options. If they are not, I am just wondering why you need to move 60K rows in batches. If it were 60 million the argument could be made that this technique is necessary to minimize the log file. But 60K, is, well, nothing! :w00t:

    You beat me to it. Why only 500 rows on a 60K row table? How wide is the table and where are you importing from?

    --Jeff Moden

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