Group total based on condition of another dataset.

  • I have two separate data sets which are coming from different data source due to which I cannot combine them into one.

    I'm using them in a matrix. The problem is that I don't know how to obtain a row count of each group based on the condition of another data set.

    For example;

    employee_number_dataset1      level2_dataset2      level3_dataset2     level4_dataset2       activity1_dataset1



    Above are the fields I have in the matrix. I'm connecting both datasets with employee number using lookup function.

    I want to count level2, level3, level4 based on if activity1 fields is yes.

    How can I accomplish this task. Unfortunately, this needs to be done in ssrs, not in the query.
    Thanks in advance. I appreciate the help!

  • You probably didn't get an answer because it's not at all clear as to exactly what you have going on in your report.   We know that you have a matrix, but I can't say I recall there being an option to have more than one dataset in the properties of the matrix, so if you are doing lookups, does that mean you are creating computed fields in one or more of your datasets?   A screen shot of your matrix would be a lot more useful than your description.   We'd also want to know what kind of data is in each dataset, as well as exactly how a row in one of them relates to a given row in any other.

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