Finding the top row of a range

  • Given the following table and data:

    declare @t table


    FeeTable int,

    OffSet int,

    Amount decimal(13,2)


    insert @t (FeeTable, OffSet, Amount) values

    (10, 4, 20.00),

    (10, 3, 65.00),

    (10, 2, 90.00),

    (10, 1, 135.00),

    (10, 0, 175.00),

    (11, 4, 10.00),

    (11, 3, 25.00),

    (11, 2, 30.00),

    (11, 1, 435.00),

    (11, 0, 575.00);

    It is trivial to return the correct row when the offset that is passed in is between 0 and 4 for a given FeeTable. I am having a hard time trying to return the largest offset in the range when the passed in offset is > 4.


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  • I'm taking a guess here, not sure if I completely understand the question, but if you just want for one specific FeeTable:

    SELECT TOP 1 OffSet, Amount

    FROM @t

    WHERE FeeTable = 10

    AND OffSet <= 5


    for all FeeTables:

    WITH getrank AS

    (SELECT FeeTable, OffSet, Amount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY FeeTable ORDER BY Offset DESC) AS ranking

    FROM @t

    WHERE OffSet <= 5)

    SELECT FeeTable, OffSet, Amount

    FROM getrank WHERE ranking = 1;

  • Chris Harshman (1/5/2017)

    I'm taking a guess here, not sure if I completely understand the question, but if you just want for one specific FeeTable:

    SELECT TOP 1 OffSet, Amount

    FROM @t

    WHERE FeeTable = 10

    AND OffSet <= 5


    That works well. I was missing the TOP and ORDER By clause!


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