dbcc shrinkfile()

  • Evening All,

    Is dbcc shrinkfile() cumulative? By that I mean if it takes 50 hours to reclaim 1TB of unused space in the DB, and at 25 hours I press stop.. Will it stop having reclaimed 500GB or will it roll back the shrink, to leave 1TB still?

    I need to reclaim lots of space that was eaten up by accident. I am aware if the fragmentation side effect. There isnt enough downtime to complete this in a single move.


  • alex.sqldba - Thursday, March 23, 2017 1:47 PM

    Evening All,

    Is dbcc shrinkfile() cumulative? By that I mean if it takes 50 hours to reclaim 1TB of unused space in the DB, and at 25 hours I press stop.. Will it stop having reclaimed 500GB or will it roll back the shrink, to leave 1TB still?

    I need to reclaim lots of space that was eaten up by accident. I am aware if the fragmentation side effect. There isnt enough downtime to complete this in a single move.


    Just shrink it by smaller increments - it's less disruptive to do it that way.


  • To answer the question you asked....I have found that if I stop the DBCC SHRINKFILE before it ends, it doesn't do anything....I still have the same amount of free space as I did before I started.  It appears to be all or nothing.


  • Sue_H - Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:01 PM

    alex.sqldba - Thursday, March 23, 2017 1:47 PM

    Evening All,

    Is dbcc shrinkfile() cumulative? By that I mean if it takes 50 hours to reclaim 1TB of unused space in the DB, and at 25 hours I press stop.. Will it stop having reclaimed 500GB or will it roll back the shrink, to leave 1TB still?

    I need to reclaim lots of space that was eaten up by accident. I am aware if the fragmentation side effect. There isnt enough downtime to complete this in a single move.


    Just shrink it by smaller increments - it's less disruptive to do it that way.


    Genius Sue. Genius! Or I am a fool.
    or Both.

  • alex.sqldba - Thursday, March 23, 2017 3:55 PM

    Genius Sue. Genius! Or I am a fool.
    or Both.

    Ha - only a fool if you think I'm genius. 🙂
    As Bill said, it will just be the same size if you kill it. But in most respects it really doesn't matter as you just don't want something like that running for a long time - it does start causing problems with locking, blocking, lots of I/O, logging, etc.


  • Sue_H - Thursday, March 23, 2017 4:14 PM

    alex.sqldba - Thursday, March 23, 2017 3:55 PM

    Genius Sue. Genius! Or I am a fool.
    or Both.

    Ha - only a fool if you think I'm genius. 🙂
    As Bill said, it will just be the same size if you kill it. But in most respects it really doesn't matter as you just don't want something like that running for a long time - it does start causing problems with locking, blocking, lots of I/O, logging, etc.


    Yeah, I get you what you mean -- we manage about 15-20 hours downtime over a weekend but not enough to shrink it that much plus we also need the space back! I will try nibbling away at it, perhaps in a loop... so worst case when I stop the loop i'll lose the last iteration.

  • Something like this.

    use databasename -- this script should run against required database

    -- these two should be set as required
    declare @shrink_target int = 10000 -- adapt as required - but sql below will set it to max(shrink_target, current space used + 1%)
    declare @db_file_name sysname = N'filename' -- enter database logical file name to shrink

    -- not required to change the ones below, but the shrink_step may behave better with higher values depending on the size of database
    -- should be tried in dev before setting a particular value to run in Prod
    declare @sql nvarchar(600)
    declare @shrink_step int = 5000 -- size in MB to reduce - try 10000, 15000, 20000, 30000
    declare @current_size int

    select @current_size = floor(size / 128.0)
         , @shrink_target = case
           when floor((t.used_size / 128.0 + .9) * 1.01) > @shrink_target
           then floor((t.used_size / 128.0 + .9) * 1.01)
           else @shrink_target
    from sys.database_files
    outer apply (select sum(a.used_pages) as used_size
                 from sys.partitions p
                 inner join sys.allocation_units a
                 on a.container_id = p.partition_id) t
    where name = @db_file_name

    -- loop until estimated current size - shrink step is less than target size
    while (@current_size - @shrink_step) > @shrink_target
        set @current_size = @current_size - @shrink_step
        set @sql = 'dbcc shrinkfile (N''' + @db_file_name + ''', ' + convert(varchar(20), @current_size) + ') with no_infomsgs'
        print @sql
        exec sp_executesql @sql

    -- execute a last time if current size is still bigger than target size
    if (@current_size > @shrink_target)
        set @current_size = @shrink_target
        set @sql = 'dbcc shrinkfile (N''' + @db_file_name + ''', ' + convert(varchar(20), @current_size) + ') with no_infomsgs'
        print @sql
        exec sp_executesql @sql

    Edit: remove usage of fileproperty(name, 'SpaceUsed') as it returns incorrect values in many situations. Replaced instead with values from sys.allocation_units

  • frederico_fonseca - Thursday, March 23, 2017 6:32 PM

    Something like this.

    declare @sql nvarchar(300)
    declare @shrink_step int = 20000 -- size in MB to reduce
    declare @shrink_target int = 150000 -- adapt as required - but sql below will set it to current space used + 10%
    declare @db_file_name sysname = N'test'
    declare @current_size int

    select @current_size = convert(float, size) * (8192.0 / 1048576)
      , @shrink_target =
        when floor((convert(float, fileproperty(name, 'SpaceUsed')) * (8192.0 / 1048576) + .9) * 1.1) > @shrink_target
         then floor((convert(float, fileproperty(name, 'SpaceUsed')) * (8192.0 / 1048576) + .9) * 1.1)
        else @shrink_target

    from sysfiles
    where name = @db_file_name

    --select @current_size
    --  , @shrink_target

    while (@current_size - @shrink_step) > @shrink_target
      set @current_size = @current_size - @shrink_step
      set @sql = 'dbcc shrinkfile (N''' + @db_file_name + ''', ' + convert(varchar(20), @current_size) + ') with no_infomsgs'
      print @sql
      exec sp_executesql @sql

    Just a "simplicity" tip... instead of doing this...
    * (8192.0 / 1048576)
    ... to convert pages to MB,  just divide by 128 or 128.0.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
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  • Aw nice one. Cheers guys. That was pleasing to wake up to find someone had written it for me!

    Now come to London and collect your beers 🙂

  • alex.sqldba - Friday, March 24, 2017 2:47 AM

    Aw nice one. Cheers guys. That was pleasing to wake up to find someone had written it for me!

    Now come to London and collect your beers 🙂

    Pop up to Dublin - Guinness better here 🙂

  • frederico_fonseca - Friday, March 24, 2017 3:00 AM

    alex.sqldba - Friday, March 24, 2017 2:47 AM

    Aw nice one. Cheers guys. That was pleasing to wake up to find someone had written it for me!

    Now come to London and collect your beers 🙂

    Pop up to Dublin - Guinness better here 🙂

    bit on the expensive side though isnt it


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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