Blog Post

Summer SQL Server & Database Events In and Around NY


Summer SQL Server & Database Events In and Around NY-

Happy May everyone! 

Hope those April showers will bring us May flowers!  While we can’t be certain of that, what May

and the summer months will definitely bring are fantastic local SQL Server and

Database Events in and around the NY area. 

These are various events that you as a database professional should

consider attending, if you’re local here, or planning to visit. 

Indeed, with all the database trends,  such as Azure, the launch of SQL Server 2014,

and the explosion of Big Data and BI, we have some events and training that are

sure to please!  I have compiled as much

public events that is on my radar, and wanted to share them below:

So, let’s take them one month at a time, and be sure to

register ASAP.  Let's talk what's happening in May, June & July!

May 2014


Unleash the

power of your data, with the big (little b) Data Summit

May 12-14, 2014 at the Hilton Midtown hotel in NYC.  The summit is brought to you by industry

known Database Trends &

Applications (, the Data Summit is your guide to the future

of data management and analysis and how it is transforming the business world

as we know it today. IT practitioners and business stakeholders alike will benefit

from an intensive, two-day immersion into the key technologies and strategies

for becoming a data-driven business. Learn what works in the real world. Master

the leading technologies and techniques. Connect with the best minds in the

industry and plan your course forward.

Data Summit offers a

comprehensive event that covers all of the key issues in the world of data

management and analysis today. Whether your company is interested in gaining a

deeper understanding of emerging technologies such as Hadoop, or improving its

use of analytics to drive key business decisions, Data Summit has something for


From the SQL Server community,

and our friends across the pond, Red Gate software

will be there, featuring as speaker, the Head of Big Data, Simon

Elliston Ball, where he focuses on

researching and building tools to interact with Big Data platforms.


addition, newly minted SQL Server MVP, Michael Corey,

Founder of Ntirety and now President as a

division of Hosting, which also be

there talking about Increasing Your Performance Through Virtualization.  Michael is an experienced

entrepreneur and a recognized expert on Relational Databases, Remote Database

Administration and Data Warehousing, as well as virtualization

Also, of

interest, the director of product management for database

architecture and managementat Embarcadero Technologies, Henry Olson

will be speaking on Architecting for the Agile Enterprise

There are so many more big names

from big companies, such as IBM, Pythian, Ebay, Google, etc.  For a complete list of speakers, click

here.  Visit the site to

download a complete conference-at-a-glance

guide, and showcase as there is too much to mention in this space.

To register for this

extraordinary event, visit this link: REGISTER




York Analytics with Power BI Workshop – Pragmatic Works

Fast forward to May 28, 2014 – May 29, 2014, for a

two-day power class, brought to us by our Pragmatic Works friends, featuring

training instructor Devin


The Analytics

with Power BI workshop is an intensive two-day class that is designed to

get you up to speed using tools easily accessible to Power Users and all office

users including Office 365. First you will learn the basics of creating

models using Power Pivot. Then using Power Query you will shape additional

data that can be found in external data sources.  Finally, you will learn

the best ways to present your data by building reports using Excel, Power View

and Power Map. You will also learn how to make the self-service BI

solutions you create scalable across your entire enterprise environment.

Register as soon as possible, as space

is limited!  This Power BI Workshop will

take place in Microsoft’s

new NYC Headquarters at 11 Times Square NY, NY 10036.  Spacious and ultra-modern, and great training


To secure your spot, Register



June 2014

SQLSaturday #294

On June 7, 2014, traveling

southwest from NYC, to the City of

Brotherly love, Philadelphia PA, the The Philadelphia SQL Server User's Group is extremely proud

to be presenting SQL

Saturday #294. The event will be held June 7th 2014 at Microsoft 45 Liberty

Blvd., Suite 210 Malvern, PA 19355.   Admittance to this event is free,

but we do charge a lunch fee of $10.00 so that we can provide a lunch. Please register soon as

seating is limited and let friends and colleagues know about the event.  Visit the event sponsors page as well.

They have a great list of speakers lined up,

with an excellent schedule

of professional database variety! 

Featuring the latest information of terrific technical and popular professional

development tracks, such as BI, DBA, and SQL Server 2014, there is something

for everyone!  I try to avoid going into

the roll call of speakers, so trust me on this, your favorite SQL Server

experts, bloggers, MVPs, MS engineers, and SQL community staples will be

there!  I will also be there;  introducing my new preso – DBA for

Dummies – it’s not for dummies!

Two Pre-cons are also

available:  Cluster MVP expert, Allan

Hirt, will be presenting “The Good,

Bad, and Ugly of AlwaysOn Availability Groups”; and HA/SQL 2012 expert, and SQLSaturday #294 coordinator, Joseph

D'Antoni, along with Business

Intelligence Mentor, Educator, and Author Stacia Misner will present Analytics

Without Limits: The Modern BI Architecture Story 


SQL Server 2014

Launch Event – Tallan

Well, we know back on April 1, 2014 (no fooling), SQL

Server 2014 was officially RTM’d. 

The release of the “performance version” of SQL Server, has everyone

excited about the unlimited potential for performance, the Cloud, and Big

Data.  SQL

Server 2014 has some awesome features, and will take enterprise database

computing to the next level.  We even

heard from the new CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, VP Quentin Clark, and Kevin

Turner on April

15th keynotes on how to harness the power of SQL Server 2014 to

drive business real-time, and talk about the new features!  Here’s more on the release: SQL


On June 12, 2014 8:30am-3:00 PM EDT,

join Tallan for a

day of exploring SQL Server 2014! Tallan experts and Microsoft SQL Server MVPs

will lead attendees through a deep dive into the new features and tools of SQL

Server 2014 while discussing key trends in data analytics and business insights

that impact your organization’s bottom line. Whether you are a business leader,

IT executive, or Database/Warehouse Administrator, this event is for you!

Sessions to include:

  • Keynote address: “How Business Insights Helps Solve

    your Business Problems”

  • Overview of SQL Server 2014 new features and tools
  • Unlock Insights on any Data
  • Overview and demonstrations of Power BI tools and


  • Analytics for Business Users and Leaders
  • Disaster Recovery and Backup scenarios in Microsoft



FOR THIS EVENT at New York Hilton Midtown - 1335 Avenue of the Americas - New

York, NY 10019.  Do not miss this!

Founded in 1985, Tallan provides technology and business process consulting

services to enterprise and mid-sized companies throughout the United States

with a focus on Portals and Collaboration, Business Intelligence, Application

Integration, Mobile Platforms, User Experience, Ecommerce and Web Development,

and Cloud Services.

Tallan serves organizations nationwide with offices in Hartford, New York,

Boston, Los Angeles, Tampa, and Washington D.C.

SQLSaturday #303

Way up north of NYC, upstate New York, Rochester's 3rd Annual SQLSaturday is here on June 21,


Don’t miss your opportunity to attend SQL Saturday #303,

the largest FREE* (a modest $10 fee for lunch) training event

dedicated exclusively to SQL Server Administration, Development and Business

Intelligence to hit Rochester, NY.  

There are also 2 very special ALL DAY

sessions on Friday, June 20th from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. At only $129, this

is the best deal you will ever find on an entire day of technical training. 


Pearson, MVP (SQL Server BI), CPA, CITP, CMA, CIA, MCDBA, MCSE, is a consultant,

author, mentor and Business Intelligence architect who has been working with

business intelligence for over 18 years, will be doing his pre-con on Practical

Self-Service BI with PowerPivot for Excel.


VMware vExpert and SQL Server performance

expert David Klee

leads this full-day, hands-on introduction to enabling and managing a

virtualized SQL Server environment. The focus of the course is to help those

new to virtualization and/or infrastructure concepts to become familiar with

the concept and purposes of virtualization and how it can benefit them as data

professionals. Participants will gain exposure to all layers of virtualization

underneath SQL Server

Be sure to check out ALL the event details,

speakers, sponsors, pre-cons, and registration on the Rochester, NY

SQLSaturday #303 event home page

July 2014



If you can’t make it to Rochester, then New

Yorkers still have a chance to make it to the first ever SQLSaturday in the

Capitol of the Empire State – Albany, NY! 

This event will be held Jul 26 2014 at SUNY Albany, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany,

NY 12222.  Brought to you by the Capital Area SQL Server Users Group

(CASSUG), SQLSaturday#302

is shaping up to be an awesome event! 

They are still sorting out the official schedule, but you can see the speaker submissions

here.   One thing for certain,

an all-day pre-con event on Friday, July 25th at the Hilton Garden Inn in

Albany, NY, featuring scaryDBA, Red

Gate software product evangelist and SQL MVP, Grant Fritchey.   He will be presenting his popular Query

Performance Tuning in SQL Server session.  I can tell you, Albany is beautiful in the

summer, and the SUNY campus

is sprawling!  Maybe visit the Governor’s

Mansion while you’re there.  Please watch

this space for the official schedule, and Register

as soon as possible for this great event!

Well, that should be enough to whet your appetite!  Indeed it is shaping up to be a sizzling

spectacular summer for SQL Database professionals in the New York area.  I’m sure there are more upcoming events, and

I will bring them to you via this blog, as they are confirmed or brought to my


Now that winter is finally gone, it looks like it’s going to be one hot

summer!  Enjoy!


Please follow me on Twitter @Pearlknows


our HealthySQL Challenge! Are you SQL Servers healthy? How do you know

for sure? Please contact us about our 15-point Health Check report,

which will identify areas for improvement, and allow for best practice

recommendations for your SQL Server(s). If we find NOTHING wrong with

your SQL Server, the report is FREE! Contact us as






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