Combine 2 numeric fields to a DATETIME field

  • Hi,
    What's the easiest way to take 2 numeric fields and display them as a DATETIME field.  I have tried many different convert statements but keep getting 'arithmetic overflow when converting' errors.  Both fields are numeric(8) and and I need them to display as DATETIME.

    Date                Time
    20180209        161517
    20180209        164505

    I need to display them as:

    2018-02-09 16:15:17:00
    2018-02-09 16:45:05:00

    Bea Isabelle

  • You should be able to use convert but you'll probably need to do a little bit of text formatting first since that's not a format SQL Server can read.

  • One way to do it:

    CREATE TABLE #tmpdata(MyDate INT, MyTime INT);

    INSERT INTO [#tmpdata]([MyDate],[MyTime])
    VALUES (20180209,161517),(20180209,164505);

      , [t].[MyTime]
      , STUFF(STUFF(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [t].[MyDate]),7,0,'-'),5,0,'-') + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), [t].[MyTime]),6),5,0,':'),3,0,':') + ':00'
      [#tmpdata] AS [t];

    DROP TABLE [#tmpdata];


    CREATE TABLE #tmpdata(MyDate INT, MyTime INT);

    INSERT INTO [#tmpdata]([MyDate],[MyTime])
    VALUES (20180209,161517),(20180209,164505);

      , [t].[MyTime]
      , cast(STUFF(STUFF(CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [t].[MyDate]),7,0,'-'),5,0,'-') + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), [t].[MyTime]),6),5,0,':'),3,0,':') as datetime)
      [#tmpdata] AS [t];

    DROP TABLE [#tmpdata];

  • Well, that certainly did it.  Thank you Lynn...I never would have thought to use the STUFF command. 🙂

    (No column name)
    2018-02-09 16:51:17:00
    2018-02-09 16:51:17:00
    2018-02-09 16:51:17:00
    2018-02-09 16:51:17:00
    2018-02-09 16:51:17:00

    Bea Isabelle

  • I remember seeing an example by Peter "Peso" Larsson a long time ago, adopted his method, and tweaked it a bit.  Here's an iTVF that will do it for you.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IntsToSSDateTime]
     The function takes an "Integer Date" in the form of YYYYMMDD and "IntegerTime" in the form of HHMMSS similar to those
     found in the MSDB.dbo.SysJobHistory table (Run_Date and Run_Time columns) and converts them into an SQL Server
     DATETIME datatype.

     The return is a single element table known as an "iSF" or "Inline Scalar Function" and is used as if it were an "iTVF"
     or "Table Valued Function" even though it returns only a scalar value. This prevents the overhead of a normal scalar
     function and allows for very high performance.

     The performance is further enhanced because the calculations are all done using integer and true date math instead of
     any excursions to the VARCHAR world.

     Programmer's Notes:
     1. You must use a full 8 digit date in the form of YYYYMMDD.
     2. You do not need to use a full 6 digit time (24 hour time is used) but should be filled from the right in the form
        of HHMMSS. For example, if you want a time of 00:00:09, then you only need the "9".  If you want 10:00:00, then you
        must include all six digits as 100000. (Just like they do in the SysJobsHistory table in MSDB).

     Usage (example w/MSDB):
     SELECT hst.run_date, hst.run_time, ssdt.SSDateTime
       FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory hst
      CROSS APPLY util.IntsToSSDateTime(run_date,run_time) ssdt

     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 02 Oct 2012 - Jeff Moden - Initial Creation
     Rev 01 - 11 Apr 2013 - Jeff Moden
            - Microsoft uses "0" instead of NULL for missing dates.  Added code to change those to NULL.
    --===== Declare the I/O for the function
            @pIntegerDate INT,
            @pIntegerTime INT
    --===== Convert the date/time to a DATETIME datatype and return it as a single element table.
         -- Note that 22801 is the number of months from 0000 to 1900 + 1 month.
         -- The rest of the caclulations are just standard math for breaking an integer apart.
         -- In case you didn't know, the "%" operator is MODULO and "0" is the same as 1900-01-01.
     SELECT SSDateTime =
                  DATEADD(mm,NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)/10000*12-22801 --Years to Months (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%10000/100, 0)             --Months          (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%100-1                     --Days            (Rev 01)

                + DATEADD(ss,@pIntegerTime/10000*3600               --Hours to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%10000/100*60                        --Minutes to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%100, 0)                             --Seconds

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:39 PM

    I remember seeing an example by Peter "Peso" Larsson a long time ago, adopted his method, and tweaked it a bit.  Here's an iTVF that will do it for you.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IntsToSSDateTime]
     The function takes an "Integer Date" in the form of YYYYMMDD and "IntegerTime" in the form of HHMMSS similar to those
     found in the MSDB.dbo.SysJobHistory table (Run_Date and Run_Time columns) and converts them into an SQL Server
     DATETIME datatype.

     The return is a single element table known as an "iSF" or "Inline Scalar Function" and is used as if it were an "iTVF"
     or "Table Valued Function" even though it returns only a scalar value. This prevents the overhead of a normal scalar
     function and allows for very high performance.

     The performance is further enhanced because the calculations are all done using integer and true date math instead of
     any excursions to the VARCHAR world.

     Programmer's Notes:
     1. You must use a full 8 digit date in the form of YYYYMMDD.
     2. You do not need to use a full 6 digit time (24 hour time is used) but should be filled from the right in the form
        of HHMMSS. For example, if you want a time of 00:00:09, then you only need the "9".  If you want 10:00:00, then you
        must include all six digits as 100000. (Just like they do in the SysJobsHistory table in MSDB).

     Usage (example w/MSDB):
     SELECT hst.run_date, hst.run_time, ssdt.SSDateTime
       FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory hst
      CROSS APPLY util.IntsToSSDateTime(run_date,run_time) ssdt

     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 02 Oct 2012 - Jeff Moden - Initial Creation
     Rev 01 - 11 Apr 2013 - Jeff Moden
            - Microsoft uses "0" instead of NULL for missing dates.  Added code to change those to NULL.
    --===== Declare the I/O for the function
            @pIntegerDate INT,
            @pIntegerTime INT
    --===== Convert the date/time to a DATETIME datatype and return it as a single element table.
         -- Note that 22801 is the number of months from 0000 to 1900 + 1 month.
         -- The rest of the caclulations are just standard math for breaking an integer apart.
         -- In case you didn't know, the "%" operator is MODULO and "0" is the same as 1900-01-01.
     SELECT SSDateTime =
                  DATEADD(mm,NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)/10000*12-22801 --Years to Months (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%10000/100, 0)             --Months          (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%100-1                     --Days            (Rev 01)

                + DATEADD(ss,@pIntegerTime/10000*3600               --Hours to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%10000/100*60                        --Minutes to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%100, 0)                             --Seconds

    There is a more efficient way of doing this using the datefromparts / datetimefromparts functions.

    The code is self explanatory:


      XDate INT NOT NULL
     ,XTime INT NOT NULL

      SD.XDate       AS NUM_DATE
     ,SD.XTime       AS NUM_TIME
     ,SD.XDate / 10000    AS NUM_YEAR
     ,(SD.XDate % 10000) / 100 AS NUM_MONTH
     ,(SD.XDate % 100)    AS NUM_DAY
     ,SD.XTime / 10000    AS NUM_HOUR
     ,(SD.XTime % 10000) / 100 AS NUM_MIN
     ,(SD.XTime % 100)    AS NUM_SEC
     ,DATEFROMPARTS((SD.XDate / 10000),((SD.XDate % 10000) / 100),(SD.XDate % 100)) AS NUM_TO_DATE
     ,DATETIMEFROMPARTS((SD.XDate / 10000),((SD.XDate % 10000) / 100),(SD.XDate % 100),(SD.XTime / 10000),((SD.XTime % 10000) / 100),(SD.XTime % 100),0) AS NUM_TO_DATETIME


    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------
    20180209  161517  2018   2    9    16    15    17    2018-02-09 2018-02-09 16:15:17.000
    20180209  164505  2018   2    9    16    45    5    2018-02-09 2018-02-09 16:45:05.000

  • Eirikur Eiriksson - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 2:43 AM

    Jeff Moden - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:39 PM

    I remember seeing an example by Peter "Peso" Larsson a long time ago, adopted his method, and tweaked it a bit.  Here's an iTVF that will do it for you.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IntsToSSDateTime]
     The function takes an "Integer Date" in the form of YYYYMMDD and "IntegerTime" in the form of HHMMSS similar to those
     found in the MSDB.dbo.SysJobHistory table (Run_Date and Run_Time columns) and converts them into an SQL Server
     DATETIME datatype.

     The return is a single element table known as an "iSF" or "Inline Scalar Function" and is used as if it were an "iTVF"
     or "Table Valued Function" even though it returns only a scalar value. This prevents the overhead of a normal scalar
     function and allows for very high performance.

     The performance is further enhanced because the calculations are all done using integer and true date math instead of
     any excursions to the VARCHAR world.

     Programmer's Notes:
     1. You must use a full 8 digit date in the form of YYYYMMDD.
     2. You do not need to use a full 6 digit time (24 hour time is used) but should be filled from the right in the form
        of HHMMSS. For example, if you want a time of 00:00:09, then you only need the "9".  If you want 10:00:00, then you
        must include all six digits as 100000. (Just like they do in the SysJobsHistory table in MSDB).

     Usage (example w/MSDB):
     SELECT hst.run_date, hst.run_time, ssdt.SSDateTime
       FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory hst
      CROSS APPLY util.IntsToSSDateTime(run_date,run_time) ssdt

     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 02 Oct 2012 - Jeff Moden - Initial Creation
     Rev 01 - 11 Apr 2013 - Jeff Moden
            - Microsoft uses "0" instead of NULL for missing dates.  Added code to change those to NULL.
    --===== Declare the I/O for the function
            @pIntegerDate INT,
            @pIntegerTime INT
    --===== Convert the date/time to a DATETIME datatype and return it as a single element table.
         -- Note that 22801 is the number of months from 0000 to 1900 + 1 month.
         -- The rest of the caclulations are just standard math for breaking an integer apart.
         -- In case you didn't know, the "%" operator is MODULO and "0" is the same as 1900-01-01.
     SELECT SSDateTime =
                  DATEADD(mm,NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)/10000*12-22801 --Years to Months (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%10000/100, 0)             --Months          (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%100-1                     --Days            (Rev 01)

                + DATEADD(ss,@pIntegerTime/10000*3600               --Hours to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%10000/100*60                        --Minutes to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%100, 0)                             --Seconds

    There is a more efficient way of doing this using the datefromparts / datetimefromparts functions.

    The code is self explanatory:


      XDate INT NOT NULL
     ,XTime INT NOT NULL

      SD.XDate       AS NUM_DATE
     ,SD.XTime       AS NUM_TIME
     ,SD.XDate / 10000    AS NUM_YEAR
     ,(SD.XDate % 10000) / 100 AS NUM_MONTH
     ,(SD.XDate % 100)    AS NUM_DAY
     ,SD.XTime / 10000    AS NUM_HOUR
     ,(SD.XTime % 10000) / 100 AS NUM_MIN
     ,(SD.XTime % 100)    AS NUM_SEC
     ,DATEFROMPARTS((SD.XDate / 10000),((SD.XDate % 10000) / 100),(SD.XDate % 100)) AS NUM_TO_DATE
     ,DATETIMEFROMPARTS((SD.XDate / 10000),((SD.XDate % 10000) / 100),(SD.XDate % 100),(SD.XTime / 10000),((SD.XTime % 10000) / 100),(SD.XTime % 100),0) AS NUM_TO_DATETIME


    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------
    20180209  161517  2018   2    9    16    15    17    2018-02-09 2018-02-09 16:15:17.000
    20180209  164505  2018   2    9    16    45    5    2018-02-09 2018-02-09 16:45:05.000

    I keep forgetting about the new functions.  Comes from supporting the older versions.

  • Lynn Pettis - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 8:38 AM

    Eirikur Eiriksson - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 2:43 AM

    Jeff Moden - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:39 PM

    I remember seeing an example by Peter "Peso" Larsson a long time ago, adopted his method, and tweaked it a bit.  Here's an iTVF that will do it for you.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IntsToSSDateTime]
     The function takes an "Integer Date" in the form of YYYYMMDD and "IntegerTime" in the form of HHMMSS similar to those
     found in the MSDB.dbo.SysJobHistory table (Run_Date and Run_Time columns) and converts them into an SQL Server
     DATETIME datatype.

     The return is a single element table known as an "iSF" or "Inline Scalar Function" and is used as if it were an "iTVF"
     or "Table Valued Function" even though it returns only a scalar value. This prevents the overhead of a normal scalar
     function and allows for very high performance.

     The performance is further enhanced because the calculations are all done using integer and true date math instead of
     any excursions to the VARCHAR world.

     Programmer's Notes:
     1. You must use a full 8 digit date in the form of YYYYMMDD.
     2. You do not need to use a full 6 digit time (24 hour time is used) but should be filled from the right in the form
        of HHMMSS. For example, if you want a time of 00:00:09, then you only need the "9".  If you want 10:00:00, then you
        must include all six digits as 100000. (Just like they do in the SysJobsHistory table in MSDB).

     Usage (example w/MSDB):
     SELECT hst.run_date, hst.run_time, ssdt.SSDateTime
       FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory hst
      CROSS APPLY util.IntsToSSDateTime(run_date,run_time) ssdt

     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 02 Oct 2012 - Jeff Moden - Initial Creation
     Rev 01 - 11 Apr 2013 - Jeff Moden
            - Microsoft uses "0" instead of NULL for missing dates.  Added code to change those to NULL.
    --===== Declare the I/O for the function
            @pIntegerDate INT,
            @pIntegerTime INT
    --===== Convert the date/time to a DATETIME datatype and return it as a single element table.
         -- Note that 22801 is the number of months from 0000 to 1900 + 1 month.
         -- The rest of the caclulations are just standard math for breaking an integer apart.
         -- In case you didn't know, the "%" operator is MODULO and "0" is the same as 1900-01-01.
     SELECT SSDateTime =
                  DATEADD(mm,NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)/10000*12-22801 --Years to Months (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%10000/100, 0)             --Months          (Rev 01)
                + NULLIF(@pIntegerDate,0)%100-1                     --Days            (Rev 01)

                + DATEADD(ss,@pIntegerTime/10000*3600               --Hours to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%10000/100*60                        --Minutes to seconds
                + @pIntegerTime%100, 0)                             --Seconds

    There is a more efficient way of doing this using the datefromparts / datetimefromparts functions.

    The code is self explanatory:


      XDate INT NOT NULL
     ,XTime INT NOT NULL

      SD.XDate       AS NUM_DATE
     ,SD.XTime       AS NUM_TIME
     ,SD.XDate / 10000    AS NUM_YEAR
     ,(SD.XDate % 10000) / 100 AS NUM_MONTH
     ,(SD.XDate % 100)    AS NUM_DAY
     ,SD.XTime / 10000    AS NUM_HOUR
     ,(SD.XTime % 10000) / 100 AS NUM_MIN
     ,(SD.XTime % 100)    AS NUM_SEC
     ,DATEFROMPARTS((SD.XDate / 10000),((SD.XDate % 10000) / 100),(SD.XDate % 100)) AS NUM_TO_DATE
     ,DATETIMEFROMPARTS((SD.XDate / 10000),((SD.XDate % 10000) / 100),(SD.XDate % 100),(SD.XTime / 10000),((SD.XTime % 10000) / 100),(SD.XTime % 100),0) AS NUM_TO_DATETIME


    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------
    20180209  161517  2018   2    9    16    15    17    2018-02-09 2018-02-09 16:15:17.000
    20180209  164505  2018   2    9    16    45    5    2018-02-09 2018-02-09 16:45:05.000

    I keep forgetting about the new functions.  Comes from supporting the older versions.

    Did a performance comparison between the different methods few years back, if I remember correctly, this was the second fastest method, float to datetime was faster but more complicated to implement. Will ping back when I find the stuff.
    These days, one has to spend at least two hours every day, just to keep up, no shame in missing some of the new functionalities. Supporting older versions even makes it harder, now running 7 to 2017 in my home lab, eight versions all together, and that is only the MS-Sql Server server instances, Oracle from 7... :crazy:

  • Thanks for all the feedback.  I will test these suggestions as well...always good to learn new things!  You guys are awesome 🙂

    Bea Isabelle

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