Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '/' to data type int.

  • I have SQL query as following :

    SELECT   TOP (99.9999999) PERCENT CAST(CAST(LEFT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr1, CAST(CAST(RIGHT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 6) AS nvarchar) AS int)          AS Expr2, MemberCode, SpecialCode, StartingDate, JoinDate, EndDate, BirthDate, Name, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Nationality, Nationality2, Education, Address, City, Country, PostalCode,          Homephone1, Homephone2, Workaddress, WorkPhone1, Ext1, WorkPhone2, Ext2, Mobile1, Mobile2, FaxNumber, Email, EmergencyTel, NoOfYearsTennis, ClubName, NationalRank, Year, class,          NoOfYearsTournament, Note, MSRelation, RelatedMemberCode, MScategory, Member, ParentCard1, ParentCard2, ExpDate, position, worktype, NonActive, MSKind, MSType, CardNumber, CardReceived,          Discount, Religious, Gender, Organization, RelatedMemberCodeOld, CreateUserId, CreateDateAndTime, UserId, DateAndTime, HasNotEmail, VillaOwner, Homephone3, Mobile3, Email2, Email3, BirthPlace,          NationalNo, EndDateNationalNo, MiritialStatusID, WifeNo, GeneralAssemblyFROM    dbo.MembersWHERE   (Member = 1) AND (SpecialCode IS NOT NULL)ORDER BY expr1, EXPR2

    Field SpecialCode found in Members Table and have values like that 

    006403/1 when i run query above it give me error 

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '/' to data type int.

    why and how to solve this error .

  • Hi

    Is it possible you have some values formatted differently?  Such as '006403/'  ?  See the example code below, the first value is fine but the second one will throw your error

    with cte as
        select val from (values ('006403/1'), ('006403/')) as tvc(val)
    select val ,
        CAST(CAST(LEFT(val, CHARINDEX('/', val) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr1,
        CAST(CAST(RIGHT(val, CHARINDEX('/', val) - 6) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr2
    from cte;

    This adjusted code (using substring instead of right) may be closer to what you need (the cast to int will generate the value 0 if there is nothing after the slash) :

    with cte as
        select val from (values ('006403/1'), ('006403/')) as tvc(val)
    select val ,
        CAST(CAST(LEFT(val, CHARINDEX('/', val) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr1,
        CAST(CAST(substring(val, CHARINDEX('/', val)+1 , len(val) - CHARINDEX('/', val)) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr2
    from cte;

  • thank you for reply 
    right side OK working on EXPR2 but
    expr1 not working as left side 
    my query used 
    SELECT   TOP (99.9999999) PERCENT SpecialCode ,  CAST(CAST(LEFT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS expr1,

      CAST(CAST(substring(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode)+1 , len(SpecialCode) - CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode)) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS EXPR2
             , MemberCode, SpecialCode, StartingDate, JoinDate, EndDate, BirthDate, Name, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Nationality, Nationality2, Education, Address, City, Country, PostalCode,
             Homephone1, Homephone2, Workaddress, WorkPhone1, Ext1, WorkPhone2, Ext2, Mobile1, Mobile2, FaxNumber, Email, EmergencyTel, NoOfYearsTennis, ClubName, NationalRank, Year, class,
             NoOfYearsTournament, Note, MSRelation, RelatedMemberCode, MScategory, Member, ParentCard1, ParentCard2, ExpDate, position, worktype, NonActive, MSKind, MSType, CardNumber, CardReceived,
             Discount, Religious, Gender, Organization, RelatedMemberCodeOld, CreateUserId, CreateDateAndTime, UserId, DateAndTime, HasNotEmail, VillaOwner, Homephone3, Mobile3, Email2, Email3, BirthPlace,
             NationalNo, EndDateNationalNo, MiritialStatusID, WifeNo, GeneralAssembly
    FROM    dbo.Members
    WHERE   (Member = 1) AND (SpecialCode IS NOT NULL)
    ORDER BY expr1,EXPR2

    it give me error
    Msg 537, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
    Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
    how to solve that error

  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 - Monday, June 4, 2018 10:16 PM

    thank you for reply 
    right side OK working on EXPR2 but
    expr1 not working as left side 
    my query used 
    SELECT   TOP (99.9999999) PERCENT SpecialCode ,  CAST(CAST(LEFT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS expr1,

      CAST(CAST(substring(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode)+1 , len(SpecialCode) - CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode)) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS EXPR2
             , MemberCode, SpecialCode, StartingDate, JoinDate, EndDate, BirthDate, Name, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Nationality, Nationality2, Education, Address, City, Country, PostalCode,
             Homephone1, Homephone2, Workaddress, WorkPhone1, Ext1, WorkPhone2, Ext2, Mobile1, Mobile2, FaxNumber, Email, EmergencyTel, NoOfYearsTennis, ClubName, NationalRank, Year, class,
             NoOfYearsTournament, Note, MSRelation, RelatedMemberCode, MScategory, Member, ParentCard1, ParentCard2, ExpDate, position, worktype, NonActive, MSKind, MSType, CardNumber, CardReceived,
             Discount, Religious, Gender, Organization, RelatedMemberCodeOld, CreateUserId, CreateDateAndTime, UserId, DateAndTime, HasNotEmail, VillaOwner, Homephone3, Mobile3, Email2, Email3, BirthPlace,
             NationalNo, EndDateNationalNo, MiritialStatusID, WifeNo, GeneralAssembly
    FROM    dbo.Members
    WHERE   (Member = 1) AND (SpecialCode IS NOT NULL)
    ORDER BY expr1,EXPR2

    it give me error
    Msg 537, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
    Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.
    how to solve that error

    I think your expr1  is returning negative(-) values .Kindly provide sample data to confirm the same.


  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 - Monday, June 4, 2018 7:54 PM

    I have SQL query as following :

    SELECT   TOP (99.9999999) PERCENT CAST(CAST(LEFT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr1, CAST(CAST(RIGHT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 6) AS nvarchar) AS int)          AS Expr2, MemberCode, SpecialCode, StartingDate, JoinDate, EndDate, BirthDate, Name, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Nationality, Nationality2, Education, Address, City, Country, PostalCode,          Homephone1, Homephone2, Workaddress, WorkPhone1, Ext1, WorkPhone2, Ext2, Mobile1, Mobile2, FaxNumber, Email, EmergencyTel, NoOfYearsTennis, ClubName, NationalRank, Year, class,          NoOfYearsTournament, Note, MSRelation, RelatedMemberCode, MScategory, Member, ParentCard1, ParentCard2, ExpDate, position, worktype, NonActive, MSKind, MSType, CardNumber, CardReceived,          Discount, Religious, Gender, Organization, RelatedMemberCodeOld, CreateUserId, CreateDateAndTime, UserId, DateAndTime, HasNotEmail, VillaOwner, Homephone3, Mobile3, Email2, Email3, BirthPlace,          NationalNo, EndDateNationalNo, MiritialStatusID, WifeNo, GeneralAssemblyFROM    dbo.MembersWHERE   (Member = 1) AND (SpecialCode IS NOT NULL)ORDER BY expr1, EXPR2

    Field SpecialCode found in Members Table and have values like that 

    006403/1 when i run query above it give me error 

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '/' to data type int.

    why and how to solve this error .

    Let's try the following:
    SELECT TOP (99.9999999) PERCENT
            WHEN CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) < 2 THEN CONVERT(int, NULL)
            ELSE TRY_CONVERT(int, LEFT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 1)
        END AS Expr1,
        --CAST(CAST(LEFT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 1) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr1,
            WHEN (CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) = 0) OR (LEN(SpecialCode) = CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode))
                THEN CONVERT(int, NULL)
            ELSE TRY_CONVERT(int, RIGHT(SpecialCode, LEN(SpecialCode) - CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode)))
        END AS Expr2,
        --CAST(CAST(RIGHT(SpecialCode, CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode) - 6) AS nvarchar) AS int) AS Expr2,
        MemberCode, SpecialCode, StartingDate, JoinDate, EndDate, BirthDate, Name, FirstName, MiddleName,
        LastName, Nationality, Nationality2, Education, [Address], City, Country, PostalCode, Homephone1,
        Homephone2, Workaddress, WorkPhone1, Ext1, WorkPhone2, Ext2, Mobile1, Mobile2, FaxNumber, Email,
        EmergencyTel, NoOfYearsTennis, ClubName, NationalRank, [Year], class, NoOfYearsTournament, Note,
        MSRelation, RelatedMemberCode, MScategory, Member, ParentCard1, ParentCard2, ExpDate, position,
        worktype, NonActive, MSKind, MSType, CardNumber, CardReceived, Discount, Religious, Gender,
        Organization, RelatedMemberCodeOld, CreateUserId, CreateDateAndTime, UserId, DateAndTime,
        HasNotEmail, VillaOwner, Homephone3, Mobile3, Email2, Email3, BirthPlace, NationalNo,
        EndDateNationalNo, MiritialStatusID, WifeNo, GeneralAssembly
    FROM dbo.Members
    WHERE Member = 1
        AND SpecialCode IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY Expr1, Expr2;

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Here's an example with some possible scenarios:

    SELECT  SpecialCode,
      CAST(SUBSTRING(SpecialCode, 0, ISNULL( NULLIF(CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode), 0), 10)) AS int)  AS Expr1,
      CAST(SUBSTRING(SpecialCode, ISNULL( NULLIF(CHARINDEX('/', SpecialCode), 0), 10) +1, 10) AS int) AS Expr2
    FROM (VALUES('006403/1'),

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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