Help Needed in Grouping Logic

  • Declare @UserTransaction table(IdUser int, IdShop int);

    insert into @UserTransaction
    select 100, 1 union all
    select 100, 2 union all
    select 100, 1 union all
    select 101, 1 union all
    select 102, 2 union all
    select 102, 2 union all
    select 102, 3 union all
    select 103, 1 union all
    select 103, 1

    Declare @Shop table(IdShop int, shopname varchar(100));

    insert into @Shop

    select 1, 'Apple' union all
    select 2, 'Google' union all
    select 3,'Microsoft' union all
    select 4, 'IBM'

    Expected Result:
    select 100 as IdUser,'Shopped at More than one shop' as ShopDetails union all
    select 101 as IdUser,'Shopped at only one shop' as ShopDetails union all
    select 102 as IdUser,'Shopped at More than one shop' as ShopDetails union all
    select 103 as IdUser,'Shopped at only one shop' as ShopDetails

    my try:
    ;with data as (
    select iduser, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by iduser,idshop order by iduser)as rn from @UserTransaction )

    select iduser, case when MAX(rn) > 1 then 'Shopped at More than one shop' else 'Shopped at only one shop' end as ShopDetails from data group by iduser

    Basically i need to check uset shopped at more than one shop and shop should be different then show message as Shopped at More than one shop else show message as
    Shopped at only one shop.

    I tried with row_number with partition but giving wrong result. Any sample query to achieve this.

  • You could use a CASE statement instead of the IIF... but the COUNT(DISTINCT()) solves your problem. May not scale well, though.

    SELECT s.IdUser
        , IIF(s.UniqueShops = 1,'One shop','Multiple shops') AS Msg
    (SELECT ut.IdUser, COUNT(DISTINCT(ut.IdShop)) AS UniqueShops
    FROM @UserTransaction ut
    GROUP BY ut.IdUser) s;

  • SELECT ut.IdUser,
        MIN(ut.IdShop) AS IdShop_Min, MAX(ut.IdShop) AS Id_Shop_Max /*MIN & MAX are optional, of course*/
    FROM @UserTransaction ut
    GROUP BY ut.IdUser
    ORDER BY ut.IdUser

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Pitching in, this is the simplest way I could come up with


    Declare @UserTransaction table(IdUser int, IdShop int);

    insert into @UserTransaction
    select 100, 1 union all
    select 100, 2 union all
    select 100, 1 union all
    select 101, 1 union all
    select 102, 2 union all
    select 102, 2 union all
    select 102, 3 union all
    select 103, 1 union all
    select 103, 1 ;

    Declare @Shop table(IdShop int, shopname varchar(100));

       WHEN 1 THEN 'Shopped at only one shop'
       ELSE   'Shopped at More than one shop'
      END AS ShopDetails
    FROM   @UserTransaction   UT
    GROUP BY UT.IdUser;


    IdUser ShopDetails
    ------- -----------------------------
    100  Shopped at More than one shop
    101  Shopped at only one shop
    102  Shopped at More than one shop
    103  Shopped at only one shop

  • Thank you guys for the reply and have one  tiny question. 
    Is there any way to include the shop name when shopped only at one shop, expected answer:
    select 100 as IdUser,'Shopped at More than one shop' as ShopDetails union all
    select 101 as IdUser,'Shopped at Apple' as ShopDetails union all
    select 102 as IdUser,'Shopped at More than one shop' as ShopDetails union all
    select 103 as IdUser,'Shopped at Apple' as ShopDetails

  • This should do

    Declare @UserTransaction table(IdUser int, IdShop int);
    insert into @UserTransaction
    select 100, 1 union all
    select 100, 2 union all
    select 100, 1 union all
    select 101, 1 union all
    select 102, 2 union all
    select 102, 2 union all
    select 102, 3 union all
    select 103, 1 union all
    select 103, 1 ;
    Declare @Shop table(IdShop int, shopname varchar(100));
    insert into @Shop
    select 1, 'Apple' union all
    select 2, 'Google' union all
    select 3, 'Microsoft' union all
    select 4, 'IBM'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Shopped at ' + MAX(SH.shopname)
      ELSE  'Shopped at More than one shop'
    END AS ShopDetails
    FROM   @UserTransaction UT
    INNER JOIN @Shop     SH
    ON    UT.IdShop  = SH.IdShop
    GROUP BY UT.IdUser;


    IdUser ShopDetails
    ------ -----------------------------
    100    Shopped at More than one shop
    101    Shopped at Apple
    102    Shopped at More than one shop
    103    Shopped at Apple

  • Thank you Eric and wonderful. i did not know that we can apply MAX operator for  strings. Good learning today. appreciated your swift response.

  • KGJ-Dev - Monday, May 21, 2018 8:38 AM

    Thank you Eric and wonderful. i did not know that we can apply MAX operator for  strings. Good learning today. appreciated your swift response.

    You are very welcome

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