How are you recharging this year?

  • I'm so jealous of your Glacier plans, Steve. I'd love to go there. I love US national parks so much. We're going to try to get to Yosemite this year but I think it will be too late in the year.

  • The west coast of Ireland is nice.
    We used to go to the Atlantic coast in Connemara every summer. A place where 20C is hot...
    My sister went horse-riding on the long beaches. I would've gone too if I hadn't been scared of them.

  • Hope you enjoyed the Wild Atlantic Way one the West Coast of Ireland Steve.
    If you're just back, you certainly got great weather.
    You can't beat the West Coast when the sun shines.

  • Doing a week with Mom in the Isle of Man (I really fell in love with that place) this fall, then two weeks in Cabo with my wife this winter.

    I used to do a week-long Alaska cruise alone to recharge, and that's still my favorite. Holding off on that this year though, and getting back to it next year. Trying Hawaii instead.

  • I might do a little recharging in a couple weeks when I'm on a work trip down to the Dayton, Ohio area for a week.  Depending on how I'm feeling at the end of the days, I may take a couple hours and drive over to the National Museum of the USAF.  I've been there before a couple times with the wife, and it's a really cool place to go through, either if you're a history geek or a hardware geek like me.

    But, the big "get away and recharge" trip for the wife and I is going to be Labor Day weekend to Atlanta, Georgia.  Not sure how much time we'll be spending "sleeping" because there's just going to be so much to see, so much to do, and so many people to see.  We are heading to, in the words of the organization, "...the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe!"  We're heading down for Dragon Con!  Scientists (at least one so far from JPL!) authors, artists, geeks of every stripe, wacky events (including a young lady on stage, with a leaf blower, and volunteer gents in kilts...  You figure out what she does with the leaf blower...)

    We managed to score a room in one of the host hotels, plus the whole convention (with the exception of some special events, like a costume party in the Atlanta Aquarium) is fairly contained in a few blocks of downtown.  Of, course, we're driving down rather than flying, so we took the week before and after the weekend off so we've got time to recuperate from the drive.

    (If you can't tell, I am *REALLY* looking forward to this trip!)

  • Sean Redmond - Friday, June 29, 2018 2:29 AM

    The west coast of Ireland is nice.
    We used to go to the Atlantic coast in Connemara every summer. A place where 20C is hot...
    My sister went horse-riding on the long beaches. I would've gone too if I hadn't been scared of them.

    Just got back from Cork, Moher, and Baltimore. Lovely place.

  • michaelf.fitzpatrick - Friday, June 29, 2018 2:51 AM

    Hope you enjoyed the Wild Atlantic Way one the West Coast of Ireland Steve.
    If you're just back, you certainly got great weather.
    You can't beat the West Coast when the sun shines.

  • Steve, and all, I wish you folks good times as you enjoy vacations here and there.  Our occupation is possibly one of the most stressful, and time away is critical to a good stable outlook.

    In a few days my wife and I will be heading to our Rocky Mountain hideaway, we hope for the rest of the summer.  About 15 years ago we built a  beautiful log cabin on a remote 10-acre historic mining claim with fantastic pine and aspen timber.  Our deck has a view out toward the Continental Divide (14k feet) a few miles away.   We'll be exploring hundreds of miles of Forest Service roads and trails in our 4-seat 4-wheeler.  And I have to boast a bit here.  My wife is a double BK amputee, and she is still out 4-wheeling every year so far.  Amazing woman.  She has a quote posted in our home that says :

    "We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails."

    We have been blessed to have visited Alaska, Hawaii twice, and cruised across Europe twice.  We getting older and don't enjoy the hassle of  long-distance moving vacations so well, so a rustic remote scene suits us very well. 

    As I commented a couple days ago regarding 'feeling good' at work, keep that in perspective with your long-term goals of a great retirement.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • Most years I take a long June weekend at the Download festival in Donington (the home of heavy rock), relaxing, drinking beer and listening to music amongst like-minded people. In the Autumn, I often hire a boat on the Norfolk Broads with some friends for a week or so - the slow pace is really relaxing and there are so many pubs you just need to visit...

  • Oh wow, skeleton567. That is beautiful, as is your wife's attitude to life. Really inspiring. Have a great summer.

  • Brent Ozar - Friday, June 29, 2018 5:44 AM

    Doing a week with Mom in the Isle of Man (I really fell in love with that place) this fall, then two weeks in Cabo with my wife this winter.

    I used to do a week-long Alaska cruise alone to recharge, and that's still my favorite. Holding off on that this year though, and getting back to it next year. Trying Hawaii instead.

    Nice, I'll have to get over to the Isle of Man sometime. We've loved Scotland and Ireland, but never there. Need to hit Alaska at some point, but likely going by land and hiking a lot.

  • skeleton567 - Friday, June 29, 2018 6:56 AM

    Steve, and all, I wish you folks good times as you enjoy vacations here and there.  Our occupation is possibly one of the most stressful, and time away is critical to a good stable outlook.

    Thanks, and enjoy the cabin. That looks amazing. We have a place at Keystone, and likely spending the 4th there, but would love to get a cabin in the trees someday.

  • My wife and I had a chance to do a week-long bicycling trip in southeastern Vermont in the US a week ago.  A wonderful and blessed time and met some interesting folk including a couple from the Isle of Man. Agreed that unwinding and trying to slow the pace is well worth the effort!  Glacier is also on my list of places I hope to visit.

  • Going to Glacier in August - can't wait. I'll be doing some horseback trail rides. I'm from Australia and now living in the USA, so I'm making the most of seeing as much of this beautiful country while I can. I've done road trips up to the pacific north-west where the rainforests are breathtaking. Also did the Carolinas and surfed on the Outer Banks. Awesome dude!


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