renaming db's in dmo

  • I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion or code for restoring db's on a server with a new name.

    So for example: I want to back-up TEST_DB on server1 to server1, leaving

    TEST_DB intact, and renaming and restoring it as TEST_DB_RMICHEL.

    or: I want to back up TEST_DB from server1, then restore it with the new

    name TEST_DB_AWARREN on server2.

    any help would be great!

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • The code that i have for the problem I stated, is below. Hopefully it may offer a better perspective. My task is basically:I want to backup a DB and restore it with a new name on the same or another server. As you can see I based my code on Andy Warren's examples.


    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim oServer As SQLDmo.SQLServer

    Dim oDatabase As SQLDmo.Database

    Dim obackup As SQLDmo.Backup

    Dim orestore As SQLDmo.Restore

    Dim sBAKFilePath

    sBAKFilePath = "C:\Backup"

    'we need a backup object in addition to the sqlserver one

    Set oServer = New SQLDmo.SQLServer

    Set obackup = New SQLDmo.Backup

    oServer.LoginSecure = True

    oServer.Connect Combo1.Text

    'this will do a full backup of every database except TempDB to a file (not a


    For Each oDatabase In oServer.Databases

    'list 1 lists the DB's on the selected server

    If oDatabase.Name = List1.Text Then

    obackup.Database = oDatabase.Name

    'remove any previous backup - same as using T-SQL with init

    obackup.Initialize = True

    'dynamically create the name of the backup file

    'oBackup.Files = sBAKFilePath & "\" & oDatabase.Name & ".bak"

    obackup.Files = "\\MyServerName\backups" & "\" & oDatabase.Name & "_test4ROBB" & ".bak"

    'set the action property as needed

    obackup.Action = 0

    obackup.SQLBackup oServer

    End If


    Set obackup = Nothing


    'restore statement

    Set orestore = New SQLDmo.Restore


    With orestore

    .Database = "TEST_robb"

    .Action = SQLDMORestore_Database

    '.ReplaceDatabase = True

    .Files = "\\MyServerName\backups" & "\" & oDatabase.Name & "_test4ROBB" & ".bak"

    .SQLRestore oServer

    End With


    'clean up

    'Set obackup = Nothing


    Set oServer = Nothing


    End Sub

  • This looks close, I think you'd have to rename the data/log files to get it to work (unless you did replace). I'll work on it later tonight and post some code.


  • If I understand you right then take a look at this thread and the code I posted.

    At least for the part of restoring to the same server but a different DBname and leaving the old intact.

  • Cool, had forgotten you posted that! Restoring to another server is just a bit more complicated, have to have the files accessible and you may still need to do the relocate if the folder structure is different and/or you have a file name conflict.


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