Averaging cost

  • I am trying to calculate average cost of the items we acquire. The table has four fields :

    Item, CostDate, Cost, AvgCost

    Avgcost, a calculated field, is the AvgCost for that item over a period of time and is calculated by averaging the previous cost

    records (based on costdate).

    Here is sample data:

    Item Costdate Cost AvgCost


    1 1/1/01 10 10

    1 1/2/01 20 15

    2 1/1/01 20 20

    2 1/2/01 30 25

    2 1/3/01 40 30

    My current data does not have avgcost and I am writing code to do that. My current plan is to use a cursor around the item.

    I am looking into better alternatives. Since averaging cost is a very common problem I am wondering if anyone has a better solution.


  • sxg6023,

    Try this update statement:

    update ItemCosts

    set AvgCost = (SELECT SUM(Cost) FROM ItemCosts b WHERE b.Item = ItemCosts.Item AND b.CostDate <= ItemCosts.CostDate) /

    (SELECT COUNT(Item) FROM ItemCosts c WHERE c.Item = ItemCosts.Item AND c.CostDate <= ItemCosts.CostDate)

    This assumes that you table is named: ItemCosts


  • sxg,

    Is the average you wish to calculate a moving average (say, for purchases up to 90 days back)? Or... is it an average for all history of purchases? In either case, there are ways and ways to do this.

    If this is a one-off, perhaps the easiest way, IMHO (and MHO has been tested more often than not, here), would be something like:

    DECLARE @tblWorkingData table
    ItemID integer,
    CostDate datetime,
    AvgCost money

    INSERT INTO @tblWorkingData
    SELECT AC1.ItemID,
    Avg(AC2.Cost) 'AvgCost'
    FROM tblAvgCost AC1
    tblAvgCost AC2
    ON AC1.ItemID = AC2.ItemID
    WHERE AC1.CostDate >= AC2.CostDate
    GROUP BY AC1.ItemID,

    UPDATE tblAvgCost
    SET AvgCost = WODA.AvgCost
    FROM tblAvgCost AVCO
    @tblWorkingData WODA
    ON AVCO.ItemID = WODA.ItemID
    AND AVCO.CostDate = WODA.CostDate

    If you want something to calculate this cost ongoing, I'd recommend a stored procedure for your INSERTS that automatically calculates this value for you.



  • Thanks for your replies.

    The average is a moving average, in the sense that I need to take into consideration last 5 instances only.

    thanks in advance.

  • Hi sxg6023,


    Thanks for your replies.

    The average is a moving average, in the sense that I need to take into consideration last 5 instances only.

    thanks in advance.

    not sure if I really follow you, but are you looking for


    SELECT TOP 5 blabla FROM table ORDER BY costdate DESC / 5


    well, if so , one might think that there isn't a need for a calculated field



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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  • The problem with this is that I may not have 5 past data values all the time. Some time I

    may have only 3. It would not let me say:

    select avg (top 5 cost)

    from table1

    order by costdate

    Any workarounds to use avg of top???

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