Cross Server Procedure Exection

  • I need to use OPENROWSET() to execute a stored procedure on a separate, linked server. Any Ideas?

  • If the server is a 'linked' server you don't need to use OPENROWSET(), you just refer to the stored procedure using the full 4 part reference. eg

    exec linkedservername.database.dbo.storedprocname

    The interesting thing is that the stored procedure actually runs on the linked server.

    If the other server isn't linked, the format for OPENROWSET() is:

    Using ODBC:

    SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL',   'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=servername;UID=userid;PWD=password',   databasename.dbo.tablename)


    I am not sure if you can change this to run a stored procedure.


    Using OLEDB:

    SELECT 'SomeText', A.*     FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','servername';'userid';'password',  'exec databasename.dbo.storedprocname') AS A


    substitute the servername, username and password as required.


    Hope this helps



  • thanks pete...that's what worked (full four part reference of the table)

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