sql server and photos

  • How does Sql server handle jpgs??  Sql says it can handle scanned docs, images, music, every large file....

    In a upsized access db my OLE jpegs were converted to <binary>.

    What is the best front end to display these converted images, and how do I do it?

    and How do I enter new images into the database from this front end???

    Any info is appreciated. Ive tried to search MSN but Im not getting specific answers


    Thank you



  • Hi,

    You have asked a complex question.  From the SQL server part your data is stored as an Image datatype.  Now Image does not mean picture it means any Blob Data.

    How you get the data in and out is a matter of what technologies you are familiar with and then asking in forumns in that technology.

    you can use .net, VB, c++ just about anything that can read data from/to a byte array and then just send it along.

    sorry I cannot be of more help but this is really beyond the scope of SQL



    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Im using access data pages for now, but Im open to anything that can do what I need.  Access isnt allowing me to enter the info.  what is the easiest way to do a web page with a sql database back end??? The only requirement is I have to be able to have a very user friendly front end that looks like a access or info path type form with a image on each record.


    Thanks again

  • Please avoid cross posts, they make things hard to follow!

    See my answer here http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=23&messageid=128329


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Why not consider this.   Post your pictures on your webserver, and put the path and filename in the SQL Server.   With your web page, your users can go to a selection, and the webpage can query the database for the filename, and the webpage result displays the image.  Much easier than BLOB data.

    Just a thought.

  • The last thing you want is to subject SQL servers data cache to having to serve loads of blobs - it isnt optimised for that - ghughes suggestion is the way to go - put it on a webserver which is optimised to show such content and store the URL in the database. You could even use access 2000 if thats what you have in your org - link to the tables in SQL 2000 and point your image to the returned URL. All of the microsoft dev stuff will let you do this - Frontpage probably easiest of all.

  • Heres the answer:

    I found this in an access 2003 book.  Everyone is right when they said to link the photo in the database with a hyperlink.

    In access data page: insert a photo on the form, then cancel out so it leaves the box without an image.

    Right click on the box and goto data and change the path to this object to the databases path that holds the link to the folder with the image.

    This is supposed to show the photo associated with the record on each page.  Havent tried it yet, but the book uses this exact example for what im doing... thanks for everyones help.




  • Tim is right.  Storing images in a db is bad juju unless you really have to.  If you are using a web front end just store the location of the image (physical path or web address or perhaps both depending on your application) as varchar and spare your database and network the grief.


    Mike Danque

    V3 Technology, LLC




  • For the Most Part,

    I would Agree Keep Pictures in the File System not in the SQL.

    If however you, for instance, had an application like this forum, I think it would be better to store the image data for our little icon things at the left in the database because you would not ever need a file naming system, a system to write to the web server, a system to delete from the web server etc.


    just a thought


    tal mcmahon

    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

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