Picture catalog

  • I am trying to create a report that creates a catalog with pictures.  I want to divide the page in to equal quarters with a picture and description in each quarter.  I can bring in a picture in to a rectangle, but I do not know how to get the next picture in the database to show in the next quarter of the page.  Does anyone have a solution?


  • can you post the select statement you use now and the table definition. Maybe we'll figure something out.

  • My table definition is a varchar field for the descripion of the picture, and an image field for the picture.

    All I am doing in the select statement is selecting those two fields.

    I went to the catalog in the sample reports and noticed they used a rectangle to hold the picture.  So I determined that I could use a rectangle to hold the picture and the description.  I then made the rectangle fill the top left corner of the page that is split in to 1/4 of the 8.5 x 11 page.  I added a new rectangle to the top right corner of the page to accept the next picture, but the field says "First(Fields!value)" and I get the same picture.  I want four pictures per page with picture 1 and 2 on the top and 3 and 4 on the bottom.

    Thanks for you help.


  • Maybe you'd be able to create columns or the reports, and have 2 rows of 2 columns display.... should be easier than to tweak the select.

  • Thanks for your help so far on this perplexing problem.  I have created a "multi-column" report (with two columns) and I have tried a list box, a table, and a rectangle to hold the data.  The list box and table seem to work fine.  Now I can't seem to get the report to "snake" to the next column.  Am I missing a attribute that needs to be set?  I have enought data to create a 2 page report that lists in one column.


  • Hey Matthew,

    Take a look at thi previous post re: snaking cols...  http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=150&messageid=159422





  • Steve,

    Thanks for pointing me to that discussion and it worked great.  Have a great day.



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