SQL v7.0 Evaluation Period has expired

  • I'm not really sure this is the area for this question, but I'm so puzzled, I thought I'd start here.

    I have an SQL v7.0 (SP4) server that has been online since 12/6/2004 running on Win2K.  Everything has been fine.  We rebooted the server this morning and the SQL server will not come up, getting the following error:

    17052 SQL Server Evaluation period has expired.

    I understand the message, but don't understand why because a fully licensed version was installed and has been running for over 6 months without any problems. 

    Had this happened at 120 days, I could have seen maybe an error on our part by just installing a trial version, so I'm puzzled.

    Has anyone seen this or have any idea how I can correct without going through the uninstall / re-install process? I thought maybe a virus or something, but haven't found anything.

    Any help is appreciated.


  • Is it possible that you didn't reboot since the 120 days limit of a trial version?? IIRC, the evaluation check is done at startup, so unless you reboot, you don't have any problems..

    Can you run "Select @@Version" or "exec sp_server_info" to see what version you have?

  • Yes, it's very possible .... and since you said it's only done at re-boot, looks like my network admin needs to be shot !!! 

    The SQL server Manager will not start at all, so I'm not sure how I can check the version using your suggestions.

    I appreciate the quick response !

  • Now I need to be shot... forgot that you couldn't access the server .

    I think the faster solution might be to reinstall after all. Doesn't take that long and you'd be up and running in no time.

    Other than that maybe there's a key in the registry that can be changed... but I doubt that it can be done easily. Maybe someone else will be more able to provide a solution.

  • OK, I can do that and your right ... probably easier and faster since all the data is in tack !!

    Thanks !!!!! You've been a great help ! 

  • One final question ...  I did the uninstall/ reinstall bit and finally got it to work.  Server comes up and all my tables, procedures etc., appear fine.

    I ran the "Select @@Version" and the "exec sp_server_info" and got information back.  Is the assumption as long as they do not say "Evaluation" in the output, I'm ok? 

    Right now I'm getting Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 - 7.00.1063 (Intel x86). 

    But I've still got to put on SP4

  • I don't know the versions with 7.0

    maybe this will return more info : exec sp_server_info

  • I have just discovered one more problem I'm not sure how to correct.  All the databases, etc. are working, but we discovered this morning none of the jobs will run.  All the jobs are listed but they fail.

    I then went and looked at the DTS packages and they are listed, but when you try to do anything with them, it says the file can not be found.

    Are those files stored somewhere else beside the DATA folder?  If so, then I'm assuming the uninstall/reinstall wiped them out.  I have backups but have no idea where to look?

  • sorry forgot to tell you... The dts are kept in MSDB.

  • I assume the MSDB is the database that is the in data folder, which I did keep and put back ...  Is there some sort of process to re-attach the DTS and jobs to the information? 

  • I don't know... I think it's time you start a new post for this new problem (re-explain from the start though).

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