Error with new subscription

  • We have a number of reports using a single data source. On one report when I click New Subscription I get the following error :

    There is an error in XML document (1, 42895).

    I looked in RS log (ReportServerWebApp__07_20_2005_09_51_57.log) and it says :

    System.Xml.XmlException: ' ', hexadecimal value 0x01, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 42712.   at System.Xml.XmlScanner.ScanHexEntity()  

    I've tried re-uploading the report but that hasn't helped. I also uploaded it to a different server and it works fine on there.  All other reports work OK too.


    Any ideas ? Thanks

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  • Hey,

    I'm also getting the same problem. Actually the character which is giving problem is hexadecimal character 1, in word documents it represents the picture being placed at a position.

    Maybe some problem with XML Parser.....

    Looking for solutions




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