Service pack problems--please help

  • 1.  I have installed sp3 and 3a numerous times without incident.  Last night I tried to apply sp3 to our test box and it went through the install screens however after it stopped the service it could not restart it and the entire process halts.  I made certain no one was connected.  Nothing shows up in the sql logs or event viewer.  I don't know where to turn next.  Any ideas greatly appreciated.

    2.  I also tried installing the sp for the desktop engine on another box and recieved the error below:



  • What is the error?

    As you should know by now, there is no back out plan.

    I hope you backup your system database before you load sp3a.

    If you got your system database backup, you could uninstall sql server and reinstall sql server to the last version and restore your system database from the backup. 

    So far I haven't had any problem installing sp3a yet and I probably put it on about 100 times to differen server.

    Good luck.



  • You might want to check that the Master database has the property "automatically grow file" turned on. The service packs add objects to the Master database and cause the Master to grow. Check your free disk space where the Master db resides too.

  • Thanks for the info.  On one of the machines it was a file path issue that has been corrected.

    However on the MSDE when I try to apply the sp the error

    The instance name is invalid

    keeps coming up?  Any ideas??



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