What's the best way to write this query?

  • I have a table of rules for orders.  The rules table determines several things but in this example, I need to determine if the state the order was placed from, is allowed to order the item for that particular account.  In my query, I want to check an order id against the rules table.  Basically, if the order matched against one of our rules, return a result.  If not, return no records.

    Orders table:

    OrderID     |     AccountID     |     ShipToName     |     ShipToState

    111             |     123                    |    John S.                |          PA

    222            |     123                    |    Amy M.               |          TX


    OrderRules table:

    OrderRulesID     |     AccountID     |     AllowedStates

    1                            |       123                |       NJ, PA, NY, MD


    In the above example, order #111 is allowed to ship because it's from PA.  Order #222 however cannot because the state is not one of the allowed states.

    So, my query would be something like the following:

    Orders o
    INNER JOIN OrderRules or ON or.AccountID = o.AccountID
    o.ShipToState IN or.AllowedStates (this line doesn't work)
  • Your OrderRules table should be normalised.

    OrderRulesId, AccountId, AllowedState

    (One row per allowed state, per account.)

    (State could, and probably should, also be normalised.)

    With this in place, everything becomes much easier.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  Phil Parkin.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • If you are unable to change the structure of your DB, you could use a splitter function.  In SQL 2016, you have a built-in splitter function which I believe should work in this case.

    The example below is untested, as I do not have access to an instance of SQL 2016 at the moment.

    SELECT *
    FROM Orders o
    INNER JOIN OrderRules r ON r.AccountID = o.AccountID
    INNER JOIN STRING_SPLIT(r.AllowedStates, ',') ss ON o.ShipToState = ss.value;
  • I suspect that your SQL actually fails before it gets to the INOR is a reserved keyword in T-SQL so you'd first get an error at your alias choice for OrderRules.

    Phil is right now, you need to normalise your data. SQL Server does interpret o.ShipToState IN or.AllowedStates as o.ShipToState IN ('NJ', 'PA', 'NY', 'MD') it'll interpret it as o.ShipToState IN 'NJ, PA, NY, MD', which might as well be o.ShipToState - 'NJ, PA, NY, MD'.

    Also, instead of an IN, you'll probably want to use as EXISTS instead. So your query (after your data is normalised) ends up with a WHERE clause like:

    FROM OrderRules R
    WHERE o.ShipToState = R.AllowedStates)


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • DesNorton wrote:

    If you are unable to change the structure of your DB, you could use a splitter function.  In SQL 2016, you have a built-in splitter function which I believe should work in this case. The example below is untested, as I do not have access to an instance of SQL 2016 at the moment.

    SELECT *
    FROM Orders o
    INNER JOIN OrderRules r ON r.AccountID = o.AccountID
    INNER JOIN STRING_SPLIT(r.AllowedStates, ',') ss ON o.ShipToState = ss.value;


    The above sample will most likely produce duplicate records, which can be eliminated by DISTINCT or GROUP BY.

    You could also use EXISTS as mentioned by Thom.

    SELECT o.*
    FROM Orders o
    INNER JOIN OrderRules r ON r.AccountID = o.AccountID
    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM STRING_SPLIT(r.AllowedStates, ',') ss
    WHERE o.ShipToState = ss.value);
  • Thanks for everyone's advice.  I ultimately went with Phil's idea of normalizing the data.  I was initially concerned with the number of records this would produce in the OrderRules table, due to listing out each state, but it sounds like that's the better option to go with.

    Thanks again!

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