The Non Profit Cloud

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Non Profit Cloud

  • On the subject of non-profits I would also urge us all to donate some time and support to those who  administer and keep records for the organizations we and our families participate in such as churches, schools, scout groups, sports groups, etc.  While I don't do this myself any more,  one on my ex-employees, herself retired, actively supports and operates data, audio, and video equipment for our church and makes a large contribution in that capacity.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by  skeleton567.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • That's a good idea, and a nice sentiment. I've volunteered for things my kids have been involved in over the years, and doing less now as they've gotten older, but I think lots of semi-retirement will be volunteering in some way.


    I think everyone needs to do some volunteering at some time in your life. Young, older, pick a time when you can help others and do so.

  • TechSoup is a pretty cool nonprofit that offers services and partners with technology companies to offer free or discounted software, hardware as well as cloud services. There are Azure credits available through them and the link for Azure credits indicates you can request more credits from Microsoft: Microsoft Azure Credits

    Microsoft (and many others) have nonprofit programs. It can be a challenge to find them at times but they are there. TechSoup is a good resource to start finding those and the companies involved in programs for nonprofits. Microsoft has a site that is the starting point for nonprofits to register and get started with MS offerings:

    Microsoft for Nonprofits

    Some organizations I've volunteered with have gotten great assistance through TechSoup.



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