Comparing Tables with Union against another Table with conditions

  • Hello,

    I have this query,

    select *
    (select [KD]
    from [dbo].[Tab1]


    select [KD]
    from [dbo].[Tab2]

    where [KD] like '%abc%' or [KD] like '%def%') as C

    where not exists

    (select [KD]
    from [dbo].[Tab3] as T
    where c.[KD]=t.[KD]

    I want the output to be only where it combines tabl 1 and 2 via the union, and compares those results against tab 3, and only displays results where this condition is met, where [KD] like '%abc%' or [KD] like '%def%') from the union is not in tab3.

    However it is not delivering the expected result. I think there is a problem with scope.  How can I rewrite, where it works?


  • Your parentheses look wrong.

    SELECT x.*
    (     SELECT a
           FROM table1
           SELECT b
           FROM table2
           WHERE... ) x
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Table3 WHERE table3.Column = x.A)


  • Ok let me try, hmm still missing some data. Here's the updated version I have based on your feedback

    select *

    (select [KD]
    from [dbo].[Tab1]
    where [KD] like '%abc%' or [KD] like '%def%'


    select [KD]
    from [dbo].[Tab2]
    where [KD] like '%abc%' or [KD] like '%def%') as C

    where not exists

    (select [KD]
    from [dbo].[Tab3] as T
    where c.[KD]=t.[KD]

  • Without sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT scripts), there's no way for us to test your query for you. So all we can give you is reasonably educated guesses. If you can provide data, you have a good chance of getting a tested solution.

    Read Jeff's article Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help... it has all the information you need for us to help you.

  • select kd
     select kd from table1
     intersect select kd from table2
     except select kd from table3
    ) U
    where U.kd like '%abc%' or U.kd like '%def%'

  • Hey guys. thanks for your help. I went back and re checked and I had overlooked a result. Your help is really appreciated.

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