Blog Post

Presenting To The Orlando .Net Users Group on June 11, 2015


I’ll be returning to ONETUG just less than a year from my last presentation, delivering technical content and evangelizing for SQLSaturday Orlando. My goal on technical content is get them to see SQL Server as a really, really interesting piece of software written by developers and that can do amazing things if you know how it works and you don’t think of it as a big version of Excel. Then I can remind them that they can learn a whole lot more of that kind of stuff if they join us at SQLSaturday! Here’s the presentation:

SQL Server Performance Tuning For Developers

You’re not a DBA and you don’t want to be one, right? You just want to make your database work, and make it work fast! This presentation is designed to show you how to work with SQL Server, from how you design tables to how you write queries and stored procedures. We’ll start with some tips, tricks, and traps of getting good performance (did you know scalar functions and data type conversions can kill performance?) and then we’ll finish up with a quick lesson on how to read a query plan to see if SQL Server is using your indexes. Along the way we’ll debunk a myth or two, including the one that a “million rows” is a lot of data – we should be able to easily query that much data in under a second on a laptop!

If you’re in the Orlando area hope to see you there.


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