How to use two datasets on same table?

  • Hi,

    I have two datasets in RS. When I want to use both at the same time on same table I can use one with each values of that dataset but in case of another dataset on same table I am forced to use only sum and not individual values from that daaset(like dataset1 and dataset2 than for dataset1 I can use like(First(Fields!abc.Value)) OR simply(Fields!abc.Value) but for second I am forced to use Sum(Fields!xyz.Values,"dataset2")OR(Sum(Fileds!xyz.Value) and not like first case). How can use both on same table with each individual values?

    Thank you for your help in advacne.

  • Don't know if this will help, but I ran into the same problem recently.  I got around it by creating one dataset which was the join of two other datasets.  If you have a column you can join on you may be able to do the same.


  • Hi Frank,

    Thank you for the suggestion. I am toying with the same idea. Although my stored procedures use Temp Tables and are complicated so I was thinkng if there were other ways to do things. It seems that I will have to bite the bullet.

    Thank you.


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