Soft Skills: Controlling your career

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Soft Skills: Controlling your career

  • Great article, and i'm glad you enjoy contributing to the site, it has certainly helped myself as well

    one of my previous employers put every new employee through a "consultancy and communication course"

    i learned about something called the disc model

    basically it explains how to identify different personality types and which words not to use to each type

    for example a D type personality you use "absolutely, definatly" but never Maybe

    you can spot a C type by the way they move when they avoid an advert on  the pavement and then change your use of words to influence them

    My favourites are the I category, they are influencers and usually salesmen... i've found that the word "if" comes into play with these people.. "i can get that done for you in 3 weeks IF you give me 3 more people", they like solutions not obstacles - anything to close a deal

    It's a great soft skill in IT to be able to communicate based on the personality of the different people in your team.



  • Hi David - you say:


    'As an Aspie I communicate more fluently in writing than I would ever manage do face to face. '

    Had to look that up, so that was a bit of a contradiction.

  • paul s-306273 wrote:

    Hi David - you say:

    'As an Aspie I communicate more fluently in writing than I would ever manage do face to face. '

    Had to look that up, so that was a bit of a contradiction.

    It was in the 1st paragraph

  • I'm an Aspie too, so I can kind of see where David is coming from. talking to "paper" or typing on a computer might be easier because there's so much that you can tune out that's distracting or overstimulating. I could work like a maniac in pitch dark in the middle of the night because there were much fewer external stimuli screaming for my attention. And putting words on paper gives me a chance to stop and think about what I'm saying before opening my mouth.

  • Great post. I totally agree that soft skills is like having a form of insurance. With regards to consistently practicing my presentation skills, my toastmaster club helps me to present and get a feedback in a friendly environment that boosts my morale. For those who may not be familiar with Toastmasters -  it is an international not for profit org that helps it members develop leadership and communication skills across the world using a self paced curriculum.


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    Nice article it also comes in handy while talking about critical stuff like CTC and all.

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