why not showing the nulls?

  • Hi,

    I have two tbls joined via a varchar field.. which in tbl I have to use a CASE statement to format it correctly for the JOIN..

    All works well.. however, if I add a WHERE clause to the statement, with the WHERE clause affecting only one of the JOINED tbls.. All the NULLS are not shown.

    I should get results like:

    Postcode        Count

    tf4                 0

    tf5                 23

    tf6                 15

    tf7                 0


    Whereas, when I add the where clause, none of the "zeros" are shown, so I get:

    tf5                 23

    tf6                 15

    Why is this?


    Here's the SQL:

    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', '')) WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2)

                          WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3) ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4) END), 0)

                          AS PCCount, dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,


    FROM         dbo.UkPostcodes LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.Customers_Trade ON dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode = CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''))

                          WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2) WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3)

                          ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4) END

    WHERE     (dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN

                              (SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID

                                FROM          dbo.Orders_Trade

                                WHERE      (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60))) AND (dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated <> 'No') OR

                          (dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID <> '') AND (dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID IN

                              (SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID

                                FROM          dbo.Orders_Trade

                                WHERE      (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60) AND (is_activated <> 'No')))

    GROUP BY dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,

                          dbo.Customers_Trade.Master_Account, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account



    does not show the nulls:


    where as:


    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', '')) WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2)

                          WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3) ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4) END), 0)

                          AS PCCount, dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,


    FROM         dbo.UkPostcodes LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.Customers_Trade ON dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode = CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''))

                          WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2) WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3)

                          ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4) END

    GROUP BY dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,

                          dbo.Customers_Trade.Master_Account, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account


  • i recommend a good T sql book or training course, or even a read through BOL on joins and nulls.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • colin,

    pushed for time - just need an answer...

  • Darth,

    I suppose this

    “WHERE (dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN..............."

    is restricting from the rows returned..

    Modify the query so that it should look like..

    “AND (dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN..............."






  • Thanks for the reply, but I'm not sure that is correct :

    My query now looks like:

    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID), 0) AS PCCount, dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town,

                          dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account

    FROM         dbo.UkPostcodes LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.Customers_Trade ON dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode = CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''))

                          WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2) WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3)

                          ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4) END AND dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN

                              (SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID

                                FROM          dbo.Orders_Trade

                                WHERE      (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60)) AND dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated <> 'No' OR

                          dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID <> '' AND dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID IN

                              (SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID

                                FROM          dbo.Orders_Trade

                                WHERE      (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60) AND (is_activated <> 'No'))

    GROUP BY dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,

                          dbo.Customers_Trade.Master_Account, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account


    That means there isn't a WHERE clause.. and what was the WHERE clause is now JOINED to the JOIN statement with an AND part..


    So when I run the query I just get a timeout..

  • Darth,


    Let’s have a look closely at the WHERE Clause..

    I suppose you have an OR operator which is mis-braced or its an AND operation. If the operation is infact an OR then it should be braced as such as given below.  The OR operation which returns true if any of the other logical operations are true as the OR is not grouped, because of which the query time-outs.


    Looking at the query, one can conclude that this query will surely hamper the performance for larger tables because

    ·          It scans the same table (dbo.Orders_Trade) twice.

    ·          Scalar operations on columns DATEDIFF( d, order_date, GETDATE() ) will result in table scans.

    ·          Lot of case statements which would surely scan the whole tables.


    You can easily optimize the query using derived tables.




    --Original version


    WHERE dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN


           SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID FROM dbo.Orders_Trade




                  ( d, order_date, GETDATE() ) < 60




    dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated <> 'No'

    OR                   ---------Need a check here

    dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID <> ''


    dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID IN


           SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID FROM dbo.Orders_Trade



                  DATEDIFF( d, order_date, GETDATE() ) < 60




                  is_activated <> 'No'





    ---See modified version


    WHERE dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN



                  SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID FROM dbo.Orders_Trade




                         ( d, order_date, GETDATE() ) < 60




    dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated <> 'No'


    OR                   ---------check here


    dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID <> ''


    dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID IN


                  SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID FROM dbo.Orders_Trade



                         DATEDIFF( d, order_date, GETDATE() ) < 60




                         is_activated <> 'No'






  • Hi  - thanks for the reply!

    ok first things first.. when I put that modified where statement into the query  I get an Error:

    "INcorrect Syntax near the word AND"

    I'm guessing it's just a misplaced ) somewhere but my eyes can't see it.


    Secondly-  just to explain what I'm doing with the query.


    The UK Postcodes tbl holds all uk postcode districts (these are the first 2-4 digits in the postcode)

    I want to show how many tradecustomers there are in any one district (including those with none)

    The WHERE clause simply looks in the trade orders tbl to see when the last time the trade customer ordered so I can filter the trade customers who haven't ordered in a few months and so are not needed


    Finally, any one tradecustomer can be either a main account (TradeCustomerID) or a sub-account (BillingAccountID) or both in some cases.. this is why I need to check the orders tbl based on either the TradeCustomerID value or the BillingAccountID ..


    hope that makes sense...



  • Here's the statement which gives the error:

    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID), 0) AS PCCount, dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town,

                          dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account

    FROM         dbo.UkPostcodes LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          dbo.Customers_Trade ON dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode = CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''))

                          WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2) WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3)

                          ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4) END

    WHERE     dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID IN

                              ((SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID

                                  FROM         dbo.Orders_Trade

                                  WHERE     (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60)) AND dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated <> 'No') OR

                          (dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID <> '' AND dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID IN

                              (SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID

                                FROM          dbo.Orders_Trade

                                WHERE      (DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60) AND (is_activated <> 'No')))

    GROUP BY dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County, dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,

                          dbo.Customers_Trade.Master_Account, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account

  • Darth,

    Got a hint of solution......

    rewriting the query .....Let me know if this has helped you or  not....

    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID), 0) AS PCCount,

               dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County,

               dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account

    FROM       dbo.UkPostcodes

               LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Customers_Trade

               ON dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode = 

                  CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''))

                       WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 2)

                       WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 3)

                       ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4)


               INNER JOIN (  SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID FROM dbo.Orders_Trade

                             WHERE DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60

                          ) Orders_Trade                           

               ON   dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID = Orders_Trade.TradeCustomerID OR

                      dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID = Orders_Trade.TradeCustomerID

                   ) AND dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated != 'No'

    GROUP BY   dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County,

               dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,

               dbo.Customers_Trade.Master_Account, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account



  • Hi again! - thanks once again for the assistance.


    No joy I'm afraid! - brings in results.. but no nulls..

  • Here goes, two feet first straight in to the unknown!!!

    Try using a derived table subquery like this:

    SELECT     ISNULL(COUNT(derivedCustomers_Trade.TradeCustomerID), 0) AS PCCount,

               dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County,

               dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account

    FROM       dbo.UkPostcodes


     SELECT dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID,

                   CASE LEN(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', '' ))

                       WHEN 5 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', '' ), 2)

                       WHEN 6 THEN LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', '' ), 3)

                       ELSE LEFT(REPLACE(dbo.Customers_Trade.PostCode, ' ', ''), 4)

                  END as PostCode

     FROM dbo.Customers_Trade

            INNER JOIN (  SELECT DISTINCT TradeCustomerID FROM dbo.Orders_Trade

                             WHERE DATEDIFF(d, order_date, GETDATE()) < 60

                          ) Orders_Trade                           

               ON  (  dbo.Customers_Trade.TradeCustomerID = Orders_Trade.TradeCustomerID OR

                      dbo.Customers_Trade.BillingAccountID = Orders_Trade.TradeCustomerID

                   ) AND dbo.Customers_Trade.is_activated != 'No'


               ON dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode = derivedCustomers_Trade

    GROUP BY   dbo.UkPostcodes.Postcode, dbo.UkPostcodes.Town, dbo.UkPostcodes.County,

               dbo.UkPostcodes.Area, dbo.UkPostcodes.Country,

               dbo.Customers_Trade.Master_Account, dbo.UkPostcodes.Master_Account

    Good Luck!!


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  • Hi, Thanks for the reply.

    When I use that query I get an error about dbo. Customers_Trade not matching with a table name or alias used in the query!

  • Hi (again!)

    Looking at that query - I don't think that would get me my results.


    I know I need to list all of the UK postcode districts from the UKPOstcodes TBl. Added to that I need to display a COUNT of all of the TradeCustomerID's that have that postcode district from the Customers_Trade tbl.

    I also need to format the Customers_Trade.Postcode as it has the full postcode not just the district so I need to use a select statement to get the match between it and the postcode district in the UKPostcodes tbl.


    I have all of that working... however on top of all of that:

    With the original query I am selecting ALL the tradecustomerID's in the Customers_Trade tbl.  However what I actually need is to only select TradeCustomerID's who meet two criteria 1) - They have a value of <> 'No' as one of the other columns in the Customers_Trade tbl and also... they have ordered within the last 90 days - something I can check from the Orders_Trade tbl.

    I have THIS query working also.. so I thought I would just do the JOIN on the Customers_Trade to UKPostcode and then add the WHERE statement - but it's not working..


    If I move the WHERE statement to be part of the JOIN I just get a timeout...





  • Darth,

    seems like still looking for a soln...to be left in the middle of the con

    Looking at my query, I notice that i mistakenly used an INNER JOIN in place of a LEFT JOIN...

    It makes life a difficult thing when you don't have the inputs and you want to give outputs....



  • You say you have a working query which you then want to JOIN another table and add a WHERE clause... Could you store the results of the initial query in to a temporary table first, then you can query that with your JOIN and WHERE added in?


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