empty sys.dm_exec_query_stats

  • Hello


    I am having an issue with the query stats dmv

    If I run a statement or execute an SP I would expect it to generate a row in sys.dm_exec_query_stats

    Sometimes it does but more often than not it doesn't

    I'm also finding that when it does, if I query sys.dm_exec_query_stats a couple of minutes later, the row has disappeared

    It's on my laptop and there are no jobs running (SQL Agent is currently disabled)

    Any ideas what could be causing this?

    It's almost like something i clearing it every few seconds





    - Damian

  • I suspect Express Edition  and/or  option AutoClose=on of your DB


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  Andrey. Reason: and -> and/or
  • Thanks for the response


    It's developers edition and AutoClose is set to False

    - Damian

  • have you set your max server memory to a low threshold, so it ends up clearing the procedure cache?


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  • Another options is a big query with huge execution plan which pushes other plans away from proc cache.

    I saw similar issue with single exec plan 400MB+ in size.

    Enable QueryStore on your DB and you will get all your DML queries and plans there.

    Btw, i have created 4 dashboards (for SSMS) which visualize QueryStore content and let see what and when was run, how many times and resources consumed.

    They are available here and main report is QueryStore_Overview.

  • btw, you can check procedure cache using the following query:

     select objtype [objtype]
    , cacheobjtype
    , sum(1) [plans]
    , convert(numeric(10,1),sum(size_in_bytes/1024.)/1024.) [TotalSizeMB]
    , max(size_in_bytes)/1024/1024 [LargestPlan_MB]
    from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans
    group by objtype, cacheobjtype
    order by 4 desc
    option (recompile)
  • Thanks for your suggestions

    I tried a few and it didn't work although useful to know

    I'll also take a look at your Query Store SSRS reports @Audrey


    I eventually found a resolution here:



    It seems to be related to lock pages

    I've amended this and now start SQL Server as Local System

    That seems to have resolved it




    - Damian

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