Memory issue

  • SQL Server is not using allocated max memory it is a 64 bit server. Restarting the server is the only option?

  • my sysadmin likes doing that, and I told him don't do that again. Restart SQL server is NOT the option. Everything in memory will be wiped out when restarting. Try to read the largest table like 'select top 1000000 <all columns> from <my largest table>;' it will drive up memory usage.

  • SQL Allocated max memory is not used by SQL Server, however it is showing the low PLE value.

  • Have you confirmed that nothing else is using memory on the server?  Not sure a low PLE is a problem - that has to be considered with the normal usage patterns for your system.

    A restart is not the solution - identifying what is using the memory and preventing SQL Server from using that memory will lead to the actual solution.

    Note: you may need to enable lock pages in memory - this would prevent other processes from requesting memory and having SQL Server release that memory back to the OS.


    Jeffrey Williams
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  • you may enable "lock page in memory", which I never do and it works fine on my server boxes, but a lot of well-known people in the SQL community recommend it. You are using 64bit SQL 2014, correct? Not 32bit SQL 2014 on 64 bit windows? If it's 32bit SQL 2014, you need enable AWE to go above 2GB memory.

  • Thanks Guys. Regarding Jeffery response. Yes, I found what is using the memory , its SSIS which is using all of my memory on the server causing OS Paging high and performance issues, then SSRS  little bit and sql server is hardly using any memory.   Probably SQL Server doesn't need memory so i would think its not using the max memory unless you have any theory on this? I would think SSIS needs to be tuned? But SQL Server should still allocate all the max memory right but not doing in this case not sure why and it giving back to OS some reason with Low PLE value, thats the reason i wanted to restart and try.I am not sure how Lock page in memory would help in this situation?

  • So you mean, Lock page in memory account can use a process to keep data in physical memory, preventing the system from paging the data to virtual memory on disk?



  • Would you enable the lock page in memory for SQL Server integration service account?

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