merge time periods

  • Hi there

    I’m stuck with a time-intelligence query. However I think, I’m close to it 😉

    Background: I want to find out if my CPU is running too hot, so I started some monitoring. Input data is a classic time stream (key, timestamp, value) for every two seconds. Now I want to find out, for how long (period) a specific temperature was present. Hence, I need to merge periods with the same values.

    I think, the trick is to first convert the event stream into a time-series format (key, start, end, value)

    Expected result:

    Sensor “Core #0”

    32C from 2019-11-01 10:32:48.2320000 to 2019-11-01 10:32:52.5200000 (-1)

    31C from 2019-11-01 10:32:52.5200000 to 2019-11-01 10:32:54.6520000 (-1)

    32C from 2019-11-01 10:32:54.6520000 to 2019-11-01 10:33:01.0210000 (-1)

    Probably, I’ll have to assign “group numbers” that count the occurrence of a value, so I can distinguish them later. Like ‘the first time it hit 32C’, ‘the second time it hit 32’ instead of directly summarizing them.

    Please find some code below:

    drop table if exists timeStuff.timePeriods;

    drop schema if exists timeStuff;

    create schema timeStuff

    create table timeStuff.timePeriods
    sensor varchar(10),
    eventTS datetime2,
    temperature smallint

    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:32:48.2320000', 32);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:32:50.3880000', 32);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:32:52.5200000', 31);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:32:54.6520000', 32);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:32:58.9100000', 32);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:33:01.0210000', 60);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:33:03.1430000', 36);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:33:05.2760000', 39);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:33:07.3980000', 36);
    insert into timeStuff.timePeriods (sensor, eventTS, temperature) values ('Core #0', '2019-11-01 10:33:09.5150000', 36);

    -- build times series from event stream
    -- (almost always 2 seconds, as this is the measure interval)
    with timeSeries as (
    ts.eventTS as startTS,
    -- remove overlaps
    dateadd(nanosecond, - 100, lead(ts.eventTS) over(partition by ts.sensor order by ts.eventTS)) as stopTS,
    from timeStuff.timePeriods ts

    -- things get weird here :-/
    row_number() over(partition by ts.sensor order by ts.startTS) -
    row_number() over(partition by ts.sensor, ts.temperature order by ts.startTS)
    from timeSeries ts
    order by ts.startTS
  • ;with cte as
    select ts.sensor,
    LAG(ts.temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY ts.sensor ORDER BY ts.eventTS) LagTemp
    from timeStuff.timePeriods ts
    ,cte2 as (
    select cte.*
    from cte
    where ISNULL(LagTemp,-32768) <> cte.temperature
    select cte2.sensor,
    CONCAT(cte2.temperature,'C from ',cte2.eventTS,' to ',ISNULL(LEAD(CONVERT(varchar,cte2.eventTS)) OVER (PARTITION BY cte2.sensor ORDER BY cte2.eventTS)+' (-1)','...')) msg
    from cte2
    order by cte2.sensor, cte2.eventTS
  • Hi Jonathan

    Thank you very much for your help, which is greatly appreciated.

    However, I was probably not so concise in describing what I need. My goal is to produce new records and "merge" the periodes with the same value.

    The Query should return a result set like:

    sensor		startTS							stopTS							temperature
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:32:48.2320000 2019-11-01 10:32:52.5199999 32
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:32:52.5200000 2019-11-01 10:32:54.6519999 31
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:32:54.6520000 2019-11-01 10:33:01.0209999 32
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:01.0210000 2019-11-01 10:33:03.1429999 60
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:03.1430000 2019-11-01 10:33:05.2759999 36
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:05.2760000 2019-11-01 10:33:07.3979999 39
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:07.3980000 NULL 36

    As you can see, the goal is to merge equal values of the same occurrence into one record. Original Record 1 and 2 have been merged with the earliest startTS and the latest stopTS, then it's interrupted by another record wird the value 31, so the next two records with value 32 are considered a new period and merged…

  • rotcha99 wrote:

    Hi Jonathan

    Thank you very much for your help, which is greatly appreciated.

    However, I was probably not so concise in describing what I need. My goal is to produce new records and "merge" the periodes with the same value.

    The Query should return a result set like:

    sensor		startTS							stopTS							temperature
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:32:48.2320000 2019-11-01 10:32:52.5199999 32
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:32:52.5200000 2019-11-01 10:32:54.6519999 31
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:32:54.6520000 2019-11-01 10:33:01.0209999 32
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:01.0210000 2019-11-01 10:33:03.1429999 60
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:03.1430000 2019-11-01 10:33:05.2759999 36
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:05.2760000 2019-11-01 10:33:07.3979999 39
    Core #0 2019-11-01 10:33:07.3980000 NULL 36

    As you can see, the goal is to merge equal values of the same occurrence into one record. Original Record 1 and 2 have been merged with the earliest startTS and the latest stopTS, then it's interrupted by another record wird the value 31, so the next two records with value 32 are considered a new period and merged…

    I thought that was what the query I provided did.

    Have you tried it?

  • I just took the columns out of the CONCAT from my previous query so they are separate columns, I think this is exactly what you have asked for:

    ;with cte as
    select ts.sensor,
    LAG(ts.temperature) OVER (PARTITION BY ts.sensor ORDER BY ts.eventTS) LagTemp
    from timeStuff.timePeriods ts
    ,cte2 as (
    select cte.*
    from cte
    where cte.LagTemp <> cte.temperature
    or cte.LagTemp IS NULL
    select cte2.sensor,
    cte2.eventTS startTS,
    DATEADD(ns,-100,LEAD(cte2.eventTS) OVER (PARTITION BY cte2.sensor ORDER BY cte2.eventTS)) stopTS,
    from cte2
    order by cte2.sensor, cte2.eventTS
  • Yep, that does the trick 🙂

    thanks a lot.

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