Can't open Alert in SSMS - Cannot show requested dialog.

  • When I try to view the properties of an existing alert of try to use the ssms to add a new alert, I get the following error;

    Cannot show requested dialog.

    Additional information:

    Cannot show the requested dialog (SqlMgmt)

    --Failed to create/initialize Agent Alert dialog. (SqlManagerUI)

    ----Cannot create/initialize Response page. (SqlmanagerUI)

    --------Object reference not set to an instance of an object (SqlManagerUI)


    Does anyone have any ideas on this one, I've check sysalerts and syscategories in msdb and all seems fine?

  • This sounds like a problem with SSMS. Which version of SSMS do you have? You can download the most recent version here: Not that this necessarily helps, as the problem could be with some DLL on your machine.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

  • I can connect to a different server from ssms on the first server and alerts can be edited and created through the GUI successfully which seems to rule out SSMS itself.

    These servers are all 2008 and have been rebuilt\recovered after a DR Scenario.  We have had to manually restore certain msdb tables from recovered backups, we couldn't restore msdb itself as it kept failing so we had to restore it as a user db and copy data accross.  Two servers work as expected, the other two have this issue.  I guess we have missed a table\id when we have copied the data but I'm not sure what else to look at apart from sysalerts and syscategories for this issue?

  • Not really your everyday scenario, so I don't have a canned answer. 🙂 But use Profiler to spy on SSMS to see what queries it submits. This should give  you a clue.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

  • OK, thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go.

  • Just for update, there were multiple jobs owned by a Report Server process with a category_id of 100 but there wasn't a row in syscategories with an id of 100 for name 'Report Server', it was already used for 'SQL Server Agent Alerts', category class 2, category_type 3

    I updated the row in syscategories that was for 'SQL Server Agent Alerts' to category class 1 and category_type 1 with the name 'Report Server'.  The GUI then opened the alerts correctly.

  • Great to hear that you were able to work it out!

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

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