Collation Error

  • I am trying to create a new user in a Database on our Test Server. As soon as I right click "New Database user" I get  Error 446: cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation.

    Research shows that Databases on the server have a mixture of 2 different Collations, the error appears on all Databases. Master and MSDB have the same Collation but temp has a different collation. Unable to change collation of temp as it is a system Dbase, although not sure that this would solve the problem anyway.

    Any ideas out there? Have run out of them here!



  • This looks weird. Try adding the user using TSQL and see what it says.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • I have managed to force it through, but am not happy about the situation. Could be that we need to rebuild the test server. Now there is a nice job for next week! 😉

    Thanks for the suggestion.


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