Temp tables vs derived tables

  • One of the optimization tips that I use is to do away with using temp tables and just use a derived table in the form

    select drv_tbl.key,


    from ( ) drv_tbl

    group by drv_tbl.key

    What happens if I prefix a # i.e. use #drv_tbl as my derived table name? Does this mean that all though I am using derived tables I am losing the performance gain ; since appending a # shall make it a temp table??

  • I was surprised that i could use # to alias a derived table. Looking into the execution times there was no difference (in time or plan). Further testing showed the ability to alias a table #table.

    select * from myTable #mytable

    Ergo I am guessing that #tablename is treated no different then a normal alias.


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