How to get the IP address in T-SQL

  • We have a stored procedure that stores the IP address from the calling program for auditing purposes.  I have't found a function that supplies the IP address yet.  Anybody have a solution for me?

  • do you mean using DNS/nslookup to convert an ipaddress like to



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  • To do this you need permission to run xp_cmdshell from master database

    Please follow the link below



  • We are just starting out in SQL Server and would like to avoid using xp-cmdshell if we can because we aren't real sure of ourselves with securing it.  Current circumstances won’t allow us to use Windows AD security, so that adds another wrench into it.  What we are doing is capturing an audit trail.  We are leaning to using the machine name instead of the IP address both for simplifying the logic and being a bit more definite of where the access was from.

  • yeah having to roll thru the tables later after the IP's been captured woudl be a pain in the audit.

    Since you are going to use HOST_NAME instead, you obviously are already aware of some of the system functions to get data like that...for others whoa re reading this, try something like this:

    select CURRENT_USER,host_name(),HOST_ID(),SYSTEM_USER

    you'll get results like this:

    dbo DAISY 1788 sa

    that info can be captured and used in a field in your audit tables if needed.


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