Subset rows with opening and closing balance

  • Hello All,

    I trying to get result as mentioned below (excel format for illustration purpose only). 

    I try using my script and achieved below result.

    Please give all your valuable suggestions and support to improve query results. Refer to the attachment for sample data

      @startDate DATETIME,
      @endDate DATETIME,
        @OpenBalance int

    SET @startDate = '09/01/2018'
    SET @endDate = '12/30/2018'

    ; WITH cteDates AS
       @startDate 'new_date',
            @startDate 'end_date',
            1 as level
       DATEADD(DD,1,new_date) 'new_date',
      FROM cteDates
      WHERE DATEADD(dd,1,new_date) < @endDate
    , cteInvoice AS
        SELECT ProductID
            ,LEAD(InvoiceDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY InvoiceDate) AS NextDate
        FROM ##tmpInvoice AS h
        JOIN cteDates ON InvoiceDate BETWEEN cteDates.new_date and cteDates.end_date
    , cteUsage AS
        SELECT ProductID, TransactionDate, Quantity
        FROM ##tmpUsage
        JOIN cteDates ON TransactionDate BETWEEN cteDates.new_date and cteDates.end_date

    SELECT cteInvoice.*
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cteInvoice.ProductID,CteInvoice.InvoiceDate ORDER BY cteInvoice.InvoiceNo) AS RowNumber
        FROM cteInvoice
        OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Quantity) AS UsageQty
                    FROM cteUsage
                    WHERE (cteInvoice.ProductId = cteUsage.ProductID)
                    AND (TransactionDate >= cteInvoice.InvoiceDate AND TransactionDate < cteInvoice.NextDate)
                    GROUP BY cteUsage.ProductID
                    ) AS o

    Thank you.

  • I'm guessing that given that your data makes no sense, no one is interested in helping you further propagate the nonsense.   Take a close look at your first three rows.   How do you bring in no Invoice Qty, use 72,742, and have no change to an opening balance of 0 to end up with a closing balance of 0 ?   There's no way that is going to make sense.  The same kind of problem occurs three times, and I stopped being interested beyond that point.   The math doesn't work, and there's no way you'll get a query to reproduce that behavior without doing things it would make no sense to do.   Splain, Lucy...  (please pardon the reference to a US-based 1960's sit-com named I Love Lucy).

  • sgmunson - Thursday, March 7, 2019 1:57 PM

    I'm guessing that given that your data makes no sense, no one is interested in helping you further propagate the nonsense.   Take a close look at your first three rows.   How do you bring in no Invoice Qty, use 72,742, and have no change to an opening balance of 0 to end up with a closing balance of 0 ?   There's no way that is going to make sense.  The same kind of problem occurs three times, and I stopped being interested beyond that point.   The math doesn't work, and there's no way you'll get a query to reproduce that behavior without doing things it would make no sense to do.   Splain, Lucy...  (please pardon the reference to a US-based 1960's sit-com named I Love Lucy).

    I am trying to get usage qty in between invoices (1st to 2nd to 3rd...) whether its high or low.
    First 3 transaction closing balance set to 0 due to closing balance went to negative value. If closing balance available only transfer to next transaction as opening balance.

    P.S. please don't push yourself to help others if you are not interested.

  • kiran 4243 - Thursday, March 7, 2019 7:11 PM

    sgmunson - Thursday, March 7, 2019 1:57 PM

    I'm guessing that given that your data makes no sense, no one is interested in helping you further propagate the nonsense.   Take a close look at your first three rows.   How do you bring in no Invoice Qty, use 72,742, and have no change to an opening balance of 0 to end up with a closing balance of 0 ?   There's no way that is going to make sense.  The same kind of problem occurs three times, and I stopped being interested beyond that point.   The math doesn't work, and there's no way you'll get a query to reproduce that behavior without doing things it would make no sense to do.   Splain, Lucy...  (please pardon the reference to a US-based 1960's sit-com named I Love Lucy).

    I am trying to get usage qty in between invoices (1st to 2nd to 3rd...) whether its high or low.
    First 3 transaction closing balance set to 0 due to closing balance went to negative value. If closing balance available only transfer to next transaction as opening balance.

    P.S. please don't push yourself to help others if you are not interested.

    It's not that I don't want to help.   You're  just asking for help with something that you don't even take the time to explain why there's such a glaring inconsistency in, which tends to suggest you are way over your head in something you don't understand.   Helping such a person can be challenging, because they may simply not have the necessary background to  understand why there's a problem.   There's no conceivable way to get the data you seek and have an accurate answer for any of those rows until you resolve the problem with what amounts to "negative inventory".   Failure to accurately account for that kind of problem will not lead to a good result.   I'm not about to help someone get fired for providing a totally wrong answer when there's clear evidence that there's a problem that's not been dealt with that could be a rather serious issue.

  • The first thing I would suggest is getting rid of your cteDates.  It is doing absolutely nothing except wasting CPU time.  If you decide that you need one in the future, you should also use a different approach.  An rCTE is a very expensive way to create a calendar table.  You should use a tally table instead.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I don't get the opening and closing balance figures, where/how/what is the business logic there? I would expect to have some attribute of a client or invoice that holds a balance figure.
    Also  the  usage quantity of 8346 and 29156 are correct based on the usage table data so I suspect the problem is the way the data has been modeled in excel!

    select sum(Quantity)
    from ##tmpUsage where TransactionDate > = '2018-09-19' and TransactionDate < '2018-09-23'

    This produces the remaining columns you're looking for:

    WITH Invoices AS (
        SELECT    I.*
        ,        NextInvoice            = LEAD(InvoiceDate,1) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductId order by InvoiceDate)
        FROM    ##tmpInvoice I
    Usage AS (
        SELECT        U_ProductId = ProductID
        ,            TransactionDate
        ,            UsageQty = SUM(Quantity)
        FROM        ##tmpUsage
        GROUP BY    ProductID
        ,            TransactionDate
    SELECT            I.ProductID
    ,                I.InvoiceNo
    ,                I.InvoiceDate
    ,                OpeningBalance    = NULL
    ,                I.InvoiceQty
    ,                UsageQty        = SUM(u.UsageQty)
    ,                ClosingBalance    = NULL
    ,                RowNumber        = row_number() over (partition by InvoiceDate order by InvoiceDate)
    FROM            Invoices I
    LEFT JOIN        Usage U ON I.ProductID = U.U_ProductId
                AND (U.TransactionDate >= I.InvoiceDate AND U.TransactionDate < I.NextInvoice)
    GROUP BY    I.ProductID
    ,            I.InvoiceNo
    ,            I.InvoiceDate
    ,            I.InvoiceQty

  • Hello All,
    Finally able to generate expected output result with below script. Hope this script will help as a reference to beginners like me.

    DECLARE @startDate DATETIME,
       @endDate DATETIME

    SET @startDate = '09/01/2018'
    SET @endDate = '12/30/2018'

    ;WITH cteInvoice AS
    SELECT ProductID
       ,LEAD(InvoiceDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY InvoiceDate) AS NextDate
       FROM ##tmpInvoice AS h
         WHERE h.InvoiceDate BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate
    cteUsage AS
    SELECT ProductID, TransactionDate, Quantity
    FROM ##tmpUsage
    WHERE TransactionDate BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate
    cteQuery as
    ISNULL(o.UsageQty,0) AS UsageQty,
    SUM(CASE WHEN o.UsageQty>=P.InvoiceQty THEN 0 ELSE P.InvoiceQty-ISNULL(o.UsageQty,0) END) OVER (PARTITION BY P.ProductID ORDER BY P.InvoiceDate,P.InvoiceNo) AS [Closing Balance]
    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY P.ProductID,P.InvoiceDate ORDER BY P.InvoiceNo) AS RowNumber
    FROM cteInvoice P
        SELECT SUM(Quantity) AS UsageQty
        FROM cteUsage
        WHERE (P.ProductID = cteUsage.ProductID)
    AND (TransactionDate >= P.InvoiceDate AND TransactionDate < P.NextDate)
    GROUP BY cteUsage.ProductID
    ) AS o
    LAG([Closing Balance],1,0) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY InvoiceDate,InvoiceNo) AS [Opening Balance],
    [Closing Balance],
    FROM cteQuery;

    P.S. Thanks to Will_Kong

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