I need to dynamically generate a list of days in a given date range

  • I need to be able to generate a list of days in a given date range, and shove them into a table variable or temp table. For example, if I give '01/01/2007 00:00:00' as the start and '01/05/2007 00:00:00' as the end, the output (table contents) should look like this


    Here is the catch, I want to be able to do this without using while/cursor or looping operations, and there is no preexisting "dates" table to use. I am using SQL 2000 so CTE is out. Any ideas?

  • > and there is no preexisting "dates" table to use.

    Then create it.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • ...thats kind of the point, I need to create it without using a loop or cursor. I have made it work with a while loop, but its not preferable to do so.

  • You probably misunderstood what Sergiy meant... you should create permanent Numbers (or Dates) table, once and for ever. Then you can use it in such queries as you described.

  • no, i get it. that was the first suggestion of a colleague, but I still need to know if there is a way to populate a numbers table using set based logic.


  • Look for the post (reply) by Jeff Moden here

  • Once again, Jeff proves to be awesome. (He is scary with some of this stuff)

    Thanks for finding that post Vladan.

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