Reporting Services Login dialog box

  • Greetings:

             I am having a problem with report deployments. I am trying to deploy reports from Visual Studio 2005 to Reporting Services 2000 with SP2 installed. Just since this past Monday whenever I go to deploy a report I get the Reporting Services dialog box popping up and really spoiling what used to be a very seamless process. Even when I enter my login and password it fails to accept the credentials and just prompts me again. I see where this was a known issue at one time but that the latest service pack was supposed to cure this hiccup. But I have all that so I am not sure why I am now receiving this credentials prompt all of a sudden. Has anyone else found this to be a problem even after installing the latest SP's?




  • Are you the only one managing the Report Server?  What OS is the Report Server running on?  It sounds like a Windows Firewall issue to me.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • JacK

         I am not the the only one manging the server but I am the only Content Manager for Reporting Services. The OS is Windows Server 2003. I am on an Intranet but I am going across domains to Test & Production. However even when I try to deploy to localhost I still get prompted. The database is set to Trustworthy On and database owner (me) has External Access Asssembly permissions. Could be that I am using Visual Studio 2005 to deploy reports to Reporting Services 2000 but I just did that two weeks ago with no problems so a bit perplexed at the moment.



  • Ross,

    I have never actually gotten a credentials prompt when deploying reports.  Usually I get a "cannot deply error" when there is a credentials issue.  Can you access the Report Server database using SSMS?  Are you prompted to login to the database or the web server?

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Jack:

    Yes I am able to use  SSMS to manage the report server. We have Report Manager installed on a web server and that is what I am getting prompted to Logon to. I can remote in to the web server so I do have access there. I may have to open up the config files and start plowing through those to look at the settings. 



  • Ola,

    I just encountered this problem myself.

    I mistakenly tried to deploy my report to http://localhost/reports.

    (*In the properties window of the report project, TargetServerURL)

    I changed it to http://localhost/reportserver and Viola! it worked.

    maybe this will solve your problem too?

  • This is kind of a 'is it plugged in' suggestion, but when you are providing the account credentials when prompted are you making sure to specify the domain first and then your ID in the form of ' '? You mentione there are different domains involved and this would be necessary if your default domain is not the same as the domain you are trying to deploy to.

    The orignal post ate my example as it had greater & less than symbols in it so...

    e.g. 'yourdomain\yourID'


  • Thanks maddog & aliciaw. What I ended up doing was reinstalling Reporting Services and the SP and that seemed to reslove the logon problem. I still have backward compatability challenges developing in Visual Studio 2005 and deploying to Reporting Services 2003 but have managed to work around it by tweaking the XML. Just a short term problem for another couple of weeks that I can live with.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi, I have configured Forms Authentication for SSRS 2005. I am trying to deploy reports from Business Intelligence Dev Studio. When I try to deply the report "Reporting Services Login" dilaog is shown. I want to pass username in the form "ContextName\UserName". But it is not passing entire string with "\" character. It is getting truncated and only "UserName" is getting passed to my custom authentication.

    Can anybody please tell me how can I pass username in the form "ContextName\UserName"?

  • Hi All,

    I was also facing the same issue and the last option was to format the system. But i did a little bit RCA and found that due to Antivirus it was happening. In my system i was having McCafe installed. So i disabled the services of McCafe and reinstall SQL Server 2005 Express Edition along with SSRS patches and then it worked.


    Palash Gorai

  • Hi,

    Check the "target server URL" in report project 'Property'.

    Use "web service URL" ...not the "report manager URL" (refer Reporting services configuration manager)..

    It worked for me.

    All the best.


  • I could do with a McCafe right now...

  • Most of the time this issue occurs when you the target URL is incorrect.

    Pass Web Services URL when you are deploying the report.

    Mention the port number also in target URL

    For Example if you are deploying in localhost


  • Thanks Smash125...this was the answer to my issue this morning.

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