Query JSON data

  • I have a field in my DB that has a string of JSON data.  This is an example:


    As you can see, there are basically 3 fields: ID, invoicenumber, and billinginvoiceid.  This string can have 1 record or 1000 records, there really isn't a limit.  I need to be able to query that field to pull the various data elements.  So for the above JSON string, I need to query and pull the ID field and the results provide me with a result set that has the 5 ID's you see above.  Is this possible?  I've been reading and testing with JSON_VALUE function, but I can't seem to make it work.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!


  • Hi Jordon

    You should be able to use JSON_VALUE to read just the id field.

    The way I have done something like this is to bring json string in a table - one row each for each set - so in your case 5 rows. And then use JSON_VALUE function against that table.

    Found the approaches here quite helpful - https://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/approaches-to-import-json-in-ssis-sql-server-2016-part-1-1




  • drop table if exists dbo.test_j;
    create table dbo.test_j(
    j nvarchar(max));

    insert dbo.test_j(j) values('[{"id":"36653","invoicenumber":"8224131","billinginvoiceid":"948439"},{"id":"36651","invoicenumber":"8224133","billinginvoiceid":"948437"},{"id":"36652","invoicenumber":"8224134","billinginvoiceid":"948438"},{"id":"36654","invoicenumber":"8224155","billinginvoiceid":"948440"},{"id":"36655","invoicenumber":"8224161","billinginvoiceid":"948442"}]');

    select j_open.*
    dbo.test_j j
    cross apply
    openjson(j.j) with (id int,
    invoicenumber bigint,
    billinginvoiceid bigint) j_open;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Thank you both so much for your help!  I'm now able to break out this json string!!!


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