Using SQL Server managment Studio to connect remotely but connection is refused

  • I have recently installed 2005, and am attempting to conenct to the instance remotely (on the box managment studio works fine).

    I've done as much research as I can, I've checked to make sure it has remote connections allowed, int he configuration manager, as well as in the SAC. it does in both.

    I have tried with the standard port, as well as a non-standard port.

    Still no joy.

    any help?

  • are either (or both) tcp/ip and/or named pipes enabled on both the server and remote?

  • can you ping the server from your machine?

    have you enabled Sql Browser?

  • TCP/IP is enabled in the configuration manager, and SQL browser is running.

    I am able to access the server via RDP, and it is happily running IIS.

    management studio works when I am in via RDP.

    also, if I use a connection string containing the IP address in an ASP page, it will not work, but if I use 127.... as the IP address in the connection string, it works fine.

  • do you have tcp/ip enabled on the machine you're trying to connect from? do you have the right drivers available on the machine you're trying to connect from (have you installed the sql native client, or do you have the sql server driver installed)?

  • Sounds like the problem I had last week connecting to SQL 2K5 via Crystal Reports XI. The SQL Browser fixed my problem. (Here is the URL if you want to look: )

    Good luck.

  • The remote machine is only running SQL management studio. I am not sure if native client was been installed. is there an easy way to tell?

    On the server, the SQL browser service is running.

  • open command prompt and try

    c:/> osql/?

    if you have sql client components this would show the help, if not "not a recongnized command" etc

  • SQLCMD is the preferred command line connector for SQL2005


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Yes, I recieve the help when running either osql or sqlcmd....

  • are you able to connect from any other machine (besides the server and the remote you're trying to connect from right now)? if you're using windows xp on the remote you're trying to connect from right now, can you turn off the firewall temporarily to see if that's the problem (start | control panel | windows firewall)?

  • I have not tried any other machine. The remote I am using has Vista, and the firewall is open there, as I connect to other SQL servers with it currently.

    The firewall at the server is set for my IP address to have any port accessible (or so they tell me - is there a way to test this?).

  • the best way to find out if the firewall is blocking you somehow is to turn it off entirely. if you're able to connect after you turn it off, then there's a very good chance that the firewall was blocking you. do nothing else BUT turn the firewall off... the test is no good if you do more than one thing and it works, because then you won't know what it was that you did that made it work.

    another test is to see if you can connect from another machine. if you can connect from another machine, then you know the problem's probably on your vista machine. if you cannot connect, then the problem is likely on the server.

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