Dealing With Subtotals

  • I have my expenses report that shows my total income at the header and it is grouped by week number (1, 2, 3, 4) and I could create sub totals for each week break that subtracts my week expenses from the total income. The problem is that I don't know how a sub-total can interact with others inside the report... actually it is not decrementing from the subs of the previous weeks. Let me be more graphical

    Total Income: 7,000 (Report header)


    Week 1 (Group header)


    Biller | Amount


    Cable | 90.00 (Details)

    Visa | 100.00


    Week Expenses Total - 190.00

    Week Sub-Total - (7,000.00 - 190.00) 6,810.00 - the first week works fine 🙂



    Week 2


    Biller | Amount


    Gas | 240.00

    Movies | 30.00


    Week Expenses Total - 270.00

    Week Sub-Total - (6,810.00 - 270.00) 6,540.00 - I'm not getting this value but the (7,000 - 270.00) = 6,730.00


    and so on...

    I would like to know how can I can get the value from my previous week sub-totals instead subtracting it from my total income? I am pretty much sure I have to store this value in a variable but have no clue how to do it. Any example/sample would be greatly appreciated!


  • Hello,

    Try This

    Write Expression for the Week SubTotal as

    = ReportItems!TotalIncome.Value - ReportItems!WeekExpensesTotal.Value

    Here ReportItems!TotalIncome.Value - Inplace of TotalIncome give your Total Income Value TextBox Name

    ReportItems!WeekExpensesTotal.Value - Inplace of WeekExpensesTotal give your WeekExpensesTotal Value TextBox Name.

    Hope this helps

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