Running SSRS 2005 Reports against SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition

  • Hi everyone,

    We have SQL Server 2000 enterprise edition installed on Production server1, while server2 has SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition installed on it.

    Currently we are generating Reports out of Server2 which is running SQL Server 2005. There are many Data-driven as well as Email driven reports scheduled on Server2. Data is still coming from Server1.


    We are planning to install SQL Server 2008 standard edition on Server1(Which has SQL Server 2000 right now) and keep server2 as it is (SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition).

    Will there be any issue on Reporting services side after doing this upgrade? How about scheduled jobs and subscriptions?

    Thanks for your help in advance.


  • You might want to look into SSRS 2008. It has some significant improvements over 2005.

    I've had some problems getting earlier versions of SQL Server to connect to later ones. Don't remember how I've resolved those, but I have done so.

    Beyond that, I can't think of any problems you would have on this.

    What you should do is set up a test server with 2008 on it, and see if you can connect SSRS 2005 to it. BEFORE you upgrade your 2000 box.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Thank you GSquared for your reply.

    Just to confirm I didn't explain my question wrongly.

    we need to connect to SQL Server 2008 database from SQL Server 2005 reporting services(SSRS2005 was pointing to SQL Server 2000 Database before).

    Thanks again.


  • I made the mistake of migrating some data and views to a 2008 sql instance and just realized that I can't put a ssrs2008 report on a ssrs2005 server.

    Let me know what you find out 🙂

  • Now,

    We are planning to install SQL Server 2008 standard edition on Server1(Which has SQL Server 2000 right now) and keep server2 as it is (SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition).

    Will there be any issue on Reporting services side after doing this upgrade? How about scheduled jobs and subscriptions?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    That is not an issue because you will be running Enterprise edition of SSRS 2005 so it is more like connection string changing, however if you are implementing SSRS 2008 standard then you need to write code for your data driven subscription because it comes only in Enterprise edition of SSRS but there are user created code you can use. The upgraded SQL Server 2000 T-SQL run in SQL Sever 2008 through SSRS 2005 may need refactoring because of the many changes in T-SQL from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2008.

    Another reason SSRS 2005 rejects some T-SQL code based on the length of the report and tasks in the report.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I agree you should be fine running a 2005 enterprise report server pulling data from 2008 standard db engine. of course if you want to upgrade your report server to 2008, you'll need enterprise as i don't think you can generate data-driven reports from standard version.

    Best approach would be to set up a test box with your data in 2008 and try to run the reports off it. You could do a quick install of 2008 express edition for you db.

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