Multi-Value performance issue

  • I have an existing report that I converted to multi-value, the multi-value is passing an INT to the stored proc but displaying the lable which is a string. Even when I select only one value from the multi-value after I select it I am unable to click on view report for a long time. But I try the same thing on the original report with out the multivalue and it works fast.

    Any one any idea why this would be happening? I have other reports without this issue. In this case there are 24K values in the multi-select, but it works instantly in the preview mode, the problem is after deployment to the server that the multi value is very slow after selection of one or more values or none.

  • A deployed report has to deal with IIS and the SSRS web

    service, which adds overhead. rewite your qury to fetch parameters using SP and try

  • We are using a stored proc and the input parameter is the client name, most clients have only a few hundred projects so the multi-value works fine. However there is one client with ove 24 thousand projects. It is for this client that multi-value almost does not work. It takes for ever for the report page to come up and then forever for the drop down to populate and then even if you do not select anything and click outside it takes for ever for the drop down list to go.

  • Is the multi-value parameter a predecessor in a series of cascading parameters, or is it the last parameter you have to select?

    In any event, if your drop-down is selecting 24 thousand records, you're probably bumping into the physical limitations of that control. I'm not surprised at all that it's taking forever to load. My suggestion is to modify the procedure to return only 'Select all' when someone chooses a client with that many projects. Sure, it will return every project. But if that's not acceptable, then you can add an optional string parameter where users can enter a comma-delimited list of project numbers that will be used to filter the dataset. That solution adds a little bit of clutter to the report parameters but at least the drop-downs will load without a problem.

  • Yes, it is the last parameter in the selection.

    What I have done today is, I have added a pattern search parameter which is an optional field. So for clients who have many projcets they have an option to enter the first few digits of the project (or the entire projectid) and then the multi-value has much less items in the list and is working fine.


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