Multi value parameters max size

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    I have a string multi-value parameter in one of my reports, this provides the user with a list of clients name they can select from which is then passed to a Table value function inside the sp.

    in some instance the client name list can be as large as 800 client names, now when this is the case and the user selects "all" and trys to run the report the paramater box blanks out and nothing else happens.

    i get the felling this is because the string parameter maximum limit has been reached within report manager. i am using varchar(max) within my sp but i do belive it is ssrs side that is failing.

    any ideas.

  • instead of string use nvarchar(max)

  • "i get the felling this is because the string parameter maximum limit has been reached within report manager."

    as stated Nvarchar(max) is being used on the backend sp's the issue i believe is a limitation in the size the string parameter on the front end (report manager) can handle. you cannot choose anything other than "String" datatypes when working with varchars when creating a report.

  • yeah... your correct... but i havent tried for around 800 rows... the max i have tried is 294...but if i need to select all the 294 rows i click on select all...and then i pass a NULL to my sproc to handle it

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