Trying to figure out a set-based approach to a stock eta problem

  • Due to the pandemic, the shipping/receiving of products has been a bit delayed.  This delay has created a back order problem that our customer service department would like filled with a stop-gap measure: what is the ETA of the product that has been ordered on X order.  I think this should be an easy problem to solve (and it would with RBAR/looping but that wouldn't be performant) but I am trying to get some help in a more set-based solution to this problem.

    The #orders table has the basic order information.  The order id is how we determine which order takes precedence over each other.  For simplicity I am only including orders which are back ordered (and their associated amounts).  The #supplierDeliveries table shows the date which the next shipment shows up and the amounts which should be on that shipment.  Once again for simplicity sake, I am only using one product "PRN1".

    Below is the basic setup and desired result.

    CREATE TABLE #orders(
    OrderId INT NOT NULL,
    ItemNumber VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    OrderAmount INT NOT NULL,
    RowNum INT NULL,

    CREATE TABLE #supplierDeliveries(
    ItemNumber VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
    NextDeliveryDate DATE NOT NULL,
    OrderedAmount INT NOT NULL,
    ranking INT NULL,
    leftOver INT NULL)

    INSERT INTO #orders(OrderId, ItemNumber, OrderAmount,RowNum)

    INSERT INTO #supplierDeliveries(ItemNumber,NextDeliveryDate,OrderedAmount,ranking)

    --Expected values
    SELECT *
    (8216823,10,28,'2021-04-13')) as x(OrderId,OrderAmount,RowNum,ETA)

    --tear down
    drop table #orders
    drop table #supplierDeliveries
  • I think this will work for you

    with cteOrders as (
    select OrderId, ItemNumber, OrderAmount,RowNum,
    sum(OrderAmount) over(partition by ItemNumber order by RowNum) - OrderAmount + 1 as sumOrderFrom,
    sum(OrderAmount) over(partition by ItemNumber order by RowNum) as sumOrderTo
    from #orders
    ctesupplierDeliveries as (
    select ItemNumber,NextDeliveryDate,OrderedAmount,ranking,
    sum(OrderedAmount) over(partition by ItemNumber order by NextDeliveryDate) - OrderedAmount+1 as sumOrderedFrom,
    sum(OrderedAmount) over(partition by ItemNumber order by NextDeliveryDate) as sumOrderedTo
    from #supplierDeliveries
    select o.OrderId, o.ItemNumber,
    case when o.sumOrderTo > s.sumOrderedTo then o.sumOrderTo - s.sumOrderedTo
    when o.sumOrderFrom < s.sumOrderedFrom then s.sumOrderedFrom - o.sumOrderFrom
    else o.OrderAmount end as OrderAmount,o.RowNum,
    s.NextDeliveryDate as ETA
    from cteOrders o
    inner join ctesupplierDeliveries s on s.ItemNumber = o.ItemNumber and o.sumOrderTo >= s.sumOrderedFrom and o.sumOrderFrom <= s.sumOrderedTo
    order by o.RowNum,s.NextDeliveryDate;



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  Mark Cowne.


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • Mark!

    Thank you so much!  I have been so blocked on this issue.  I appreciate the quick response.

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