How to do a find and replace within SSIS for an Excel file?

  • I have an Excel file which I'd like to do a find and replace in.

    I want to replace double quotation with a null in an excel workbook (for the entire workbook) via the SSIS package. Does anyone know any handy ways to do this?

    Eg where there is a " i want a blank space.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance! 😀

  • Why the double post?

    I think you are using the wrong tool for the job. SSIS is a data movement tool, an ETL tool.

    I believe it is far easier to just write some .NET code who will accomplish that for you.

    If you really really want to use SSIS, for whatever reason, just put a Script Task in the Control Flow and put your .NET code there.

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  • db_bunny (5/18/2010)

    I have an Excel file which I'd like to do a find and replace in.

    I want to replace double quotation with a null in an excel workbook (for the entire workbook) via the SSIS package. Does anyone know any handy ways to do this?

    Eg where there is a " i want a blank space.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance! 😀

    If you can use third-party solutions, check the commercial CozyRoc Excel components. These are the relevant components:

    * Excel Source component - for reading data from Excel worksheet.

    * Excel Destination component - for writing data in Excel worksheet.

    * Excel Task - for manipulating Excel workbooks.

    * Excel Connection - used by the components above and also for implementing custom scripts based on it.

    The Excel Task can search and replace cells in Excel worksheets.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

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